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Added documentation generated from LDoc
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Changed refactored code to make it cleaner

Removed dice.chance()
  • Loading branch information
timothymtorres committed Oct 28, 2016
1 parent 06d7733 commit 6a568c6
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Showing 34 changed files with 8,374 additions and 147 deletions.
310 changes: 163 additions & 147 deletions dice.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,45 +1,175 @@
dice = {}
dice.__index = dice
dice.minimum = 1 -- class default lowest possible roll is 1 (can set to nil to allow negative rolls)

--- A library used to roll and manipulate roguelike based dice
-- @classmod dice
-- @author Timothy Torres
-- @copyright 2013
-- @license MIT/X11

local dice = {}
dice.minimum = 1 -- class default lowest possible roll is 1 (can set to nil to allow negative rolls)
local random, max, abs, sort, match, format = math.random, math.max, math.abs, table.sort, string.match, string.format

--[[-- DICE INDEX -----
x - number of dice being rolled
y - faces of the dice
z - a value to be added to the result (can be negative)
r - rerolls, if + then remove lowest rolls, if - then remove highest rolls
s - if double sign (++ or --) adds {z} value to all dice rolls (default is last roll) or {r} rerolls to all dice rolls
v - sets of dice used
--- Creates a new dice instance
-- @tparam ?int|string dice_notation Can be either a dice string, or int
-- @tparam[opt] int minimum Sets dice instance roll's minimum result boundaries
-- @treturn dice
function dice:new(dice_notation, minimum)
-- If dice_notation is a number, we must convert it into the proper dice string format
if type(dice_notation) == 'number' then dice_notation = '1d'..dice_notation end

local dice_pattern = '[(]?%d+[d]%d+[+-]?[+-]?%d*[%^]?[+-]?[+-]?%d*[)]?[x]?%d*'
assert(dice_notation == match(dice_notation, dice_pattern), "Dice string incorrectly formatted.")

local dice_INST = {}

dice_INST.num = tonumber(match(dice_notation, '%d+'))
dice_INST.faces = tonumber(match(dice_notation, '[d](%d+)'))

local double_bonus, bonus = match(dice_notation, '[^%^+-]([+-][+-]?)(%d+)')
dice_INST.is_bonus_plural = double_bonus == '++' or double_bonus == '--'
dice_INST.bonus = tonumber(bonus) or 0

local double_reroll, reroll = match(dice_notation, '[%^]([+-][+-]?)(%d+)')
dice_INST.is_reroll_plural = double_reroll == '++' or double_reroll == '--'
dice_INST.rerolls = tonumber(reroll) or 0

dice_INST.sets = tonumber(match(dice_notation, '[x](%d+)')) or 1

dice_INST.minimum = minimum

self.__index = self
return setmetatable(dice_INST, self)

--- Sets class global for dice minimum
--@tparam[opt] int value Sets dice class minimum result boundaries (if nil, no minimum result)
function dice:setMin(value) self.minimum = value end

--- Number of total dice
-- @treturn int
function dice:getNum() return self.num end

--- Number of total faces on a dice
-- @treturn int
function dice:getFaces() return self.faces end

--- Bonus to be added to the dice total
-- @treturn int
function dice:getBonus() return self.bonus end

--- Rerolls to be added to the dice
-- @treturn int
function dice:getRerolls() return self.rerolls end

--- Number of total dice sets
-- @treturn int
function dice:getSets() return self.sets end

--- Bonus to be added to all dice (if double bonus enabled) otherwise regular bonus
-- @treturn int
function dice:getTotalBonus() return (self.is_bonus_plural and self.bonus*self.num) or self.bonus end

--- Rerolls to be added to all dice (if double reroll enabled) otherwise regular reroll
-- @treturn int
function dice:getTotalRerolls() return (self.is_reroll_plural and self.rerolls*self.num) or self.rerolls end

--- Determines if all dice are to be rerolled together or individually
-- @treturn bool
function dice:isDoubleReroll() return self.is_reroll_plural end

--- Determines if all dice are to apply a bonus together or individually
-- @treturn bool
function dice:isDoubleBonus() return self.is_bonus_plural end

--- Modifies bonus
-- @tparam int value
-- @treturn dice dice
function dice:__add(value) self.bonus = self.bonus + value return self end

--- Modifies bonus
-- @tparam int value
-- @treturn dice
function dice:__sub(value) self.bonus = self.bonus - value return self end

--- Modifies number of dice
-- @tparam int value
-- @treturn dice
function dice:__mul(value) self.num = self.num + value return self end

--- Modifies amount of dice faces
-- @tparam int value
-- @treturn dice
function dice:__div(value) self.faces = self.faces + value return self end

--- Modifies rerolls
-- @tparam int value
-- @treturn dice
function dice:__pow(value) self.rerolls = self.rerolls + value return self end

--- Modifies dice sets
-- @tparam int value
-- @treturn dice
function dice:__mod(value) self.sets = self.sets + value return self end

--- Gets a formatted dice string in roguelike notation
-- @treturn string
function dice:__tostring()
local num_dice, dice_faces, bonus, is_bonus_plural, rerolls, is_reroll_plural, sets = self.num, self.faces, self.bonus, self.is_bonus_plural, self.rerolls, self.is_reroll_plural, self.sets

-- num_dice & dice_faces default to 1 if negative or 0!
sets, num_dice, dice_faces = max(sets, 1), max(num_dice, 1), max(dice_faces, 1)

local double_bonus = is_bonus_plural and (bonus >= 0 and '+' or '-') or ''
bonus = (bonus ~= 0 and double_bonus..format('%+d', bonus)) or ''

1d6 = Roll 1 six sided die
3d4 = Roll 3 dice with four sides
2d4+1 = Roll 2 dice with four sides, add +1 to last roll
3d3++1 = Roll 3 dice with three sides, add +1 to all rolls
3d3--1 = Roll 3 dice with three sides, add -1 to all rolls
2d6^+2 = Roll 4 dice with six sides, remove the two lowest rolls
2d4^++1 = Roll 4 dice with four sides, remove the two lowest rolls
3d4-2^-1 = Roll 3 dice with four sides, remove the highest roll, add -1 to last roll
------ FINISH --]]--

local function determine(num_dice, dice_faces, bonus, double_sign_bonus, rerolls, double_sign_rerolls, sets, minimum)
local double_reroll = is_reroll_plural and (rerolls >= 0 and '+' or '-') or ''
rerolls = (rerolls ~= 0 and '^'..double_reroll..format('%+d', rerolls)) or ''

if sets > 1 then return '('..num_dice..'d'..dice_faces..bonus..rerolls..')x'..sets
else return num_dice..'d'..dice_faces..bonus..rerolls

--- Modifies whether reroll or bonus applies to individual dice or all of them
-- @tparam str pluralism_notation String must be one of the following operators `- + ^` The operator may be double signed to indicate pluralism.
-- @treturn dice
function dice:__concat(pluralism_notation)
local str_b = match(pluralism_notation, '[+-][+-]?') or ''
local bonus = ((str_b == '++' or str_b == '--') and 'double') or ((str_b == '+' or str_b == '-') and 'single') or nil

local str_r = match(pluralism_notation, '[%^][%^]?') or ''
local reroll = (str_r == '^^' and 'double') or (str_r == '^' and 'single') or nil

if bonus == 'double' then self.is_bonus_plural = true
elseif bonus == 'single' then self.is_bonus_plural = false end

if reroll == 'double' then self.is_reroll_plural = true
elseif reroll == 'single' then self.is_reroll_plural = false end
return self

--- Rolls the dice
-- @tparam ?int|dice|str self
-- @tparam[opt] int minimum
function dice.roll(self, minimum)
if type(self) ~= 'table' then self = dice:new(self, minimum) end
local num_dice, dice_faces = self.num, self.faces
local bonus, rerolls = self.bonus, self.rerolls
local is_bonus_plural, is_reroll_plural = self.is_bonus_plural, self.is_reroll_plural
local sets, minimum = self.sets, self.minimum

sets = max(sets, 1) -- Minimum of 1 needed
local set_rolls = {}

local bonus_all = double_sign_bonus and bonus or 0
rerolls = rerolls or 0
rerolls = double_sign_rerolls and rerolls*num_dice or rerolls
local bonus_all = is_bonus_plural and bonus or 0
rerolls = is_reroll_plural and rerolls*num_dice or rerolls

-- num_dice & dice_faces CANNOT be negative!
num_dice, dice_faces = max(num_dice, 1), max(dice_faces, 1)

for i=1, sets do
local rolls = {}
for ii=1, num_dice + abs(rerolls) do
rolls[ii] = random(1, dice_faces) + bonus_all
rolls[ii] = random(1, dice_faces) + bonus_all -- if is_bonus_plural then bonus_all gets added to every roll, otherwise bonus_all = 0

if rerolls ~= 0 then
Expand All @@ -48,8 +178,8 @@ local function determine(num_dice, dice_faces, bonus, double_sign_bonus, rerolls
for index=num_dice + 1, #rolls do rolls[index] = nil end

-- adds bonus to last roll by default
if not double_sign_bonus and bonus then rolls[#rolls] = rolls[#rolls] + bonus end
-- bonus gets added to the last roll if it is not plural
if not is_bonus_plural then rolls[#rolls] = rolls[#rolls] + bonus end

local total = 0
for _, number in ipairs(rolls) do total = total + number end
Expand All @@ -65,121 +195,7 @@ local function determine(num_dice, dice_faces, bonus, double_sign_bonus, rerolls

return unpack(set_rolls)

dice = {
num = (+)number,
faces = (+)number,
sets = (+)number, -- optional
bonus = (+ or -)number, -- optional
double_b = binary, -- optional (requires bonus)
rerolls = (+ or -)number -- optional
double_r = binary, -- optional (requires rerolls)
minimum = number/false/nil -- optional (set false for no minimum, set to nil to use dice class default)

function dice:new(roll, minimum)
roll = (type(roll) == 'table' and roll) or (type(roll) == 'string' and dice.getDice(roll)) or (type(roll) == 'number' and dice.getDice('1d'..roll))
roll.minimum = minimum
self.__index = self
return setmetatable(roll, self)

function dice:getNum() return self.num end
function dice:getFaces() return self.faces end
function dice:getBonus() return self.bonus end
function dice:getRerolls() return self.rerolls end
function dice:getSets() return self.sets end
function dice:getTotalBonus() return (self.double_b and self.bonus*self.num) or self.bonus end
function dice:getTotalRerolls() return (self.double_r and self.rerolls*self.num) or self.rerolls end
function dice:isDoubleReroll() return self.double_r end
function dice:isDoubleBonus() return self.double_b end

function dice.__add(roll, value) roll.bonus = roll:getBonus() + value return dice:new(roll) end

function dice.__sub(roll, value) roll.bonus = roll:getBonus() - value return dice:new(roll) end

function dice.__mul(roll, value) roll.num = roll:getNum() + value return dice:new(roll) end

function dice.__div(roll, value) roll.faces = roll:getFaces() + value return dice:new(roll) end

function dice.__pow(roll, value) roll.rerolls = roll:getRerolls() + value return dice:new(roll) end

function dice.__mod(roll, value) roll.sets = roll:getSets() + value return dice:new(roll) end

function dice.__tostring(self) return self:getString() end

function dice.__concat(roll, str)
local str_b = match(str, '[+-][+-]?') or ''
local bonus = ((str_b == '++' or str_b == '--') and 'double') or ((str_b == '+' or str_b == '-') and 'single') or nil

local str_r = match(str, '[%^][%^]?') or ''
local reroll = (str_r == '^^' and 'double') or (str_r == '^' and 'single') or nil

if bonus == 'double' then roll.double_b = true
elseif bonus == 'single' then roll.double_b = false end

if reroll == 'double' then roll.double_r = true
elseif reroll == 'single' then roll.double_r = false end
return dice:new(roll)

function dice:roll()
if type(self) == 'string' then
local roll = dice.getDice(self)
return determine(roll.num, roll.faces, roll.bonus, roll.double_b, roll.rerolls, roll.double_r, roll.sets, roll.minimum)
elseif type(self) == 'number' then
return max(random(1, self), dice.minimum)
elseif type(self) == 'table' then
return determine(self.num, self.faces, self.bonus, self.double_b, self.rerolls, self.double_r, self.sets, self.minimum)

-- percent must be a decimal (ie. .75 = 75%)
function dice.chance(percent) return percent >= random() end

function dice.getDice(str)
local dice_pattern = '[(]?%d+[d]%d+[+-]?[+-]?%d*[%^]?[+-]?[+-]?%d*[)]?[x]?%d*'
if str ~= match(str, dice_pattern) then return error("Dice string incorrectly formatted.") end
local dice = {}

dice.num = tonumber(match(str, '%d+'))
dice.faces = tonumber(match(str, '[d](%d+)'))

local double_bonus, bonus = match(str, '[^%^+-]([+-][+-]?)(%d+)')
dice.double_b = double_bonus == '++' or double_bonus == '--'
dice.bonus = tonumber(bonus) or 0

local double_reroll, reroll = match(str, '[%^]([+-][+-]?)(%d+)')
dice.double_r = double_reroll == '++' or double_reroll == '--'
dice.rerolls = tonumber(reroll) or 0

dice.sets = tonumber(match(str, '[x](%d+)')) or 1
return dice

function dice:getString()
local num_dice, dice_faces, bonus, double_sign_bonus, rerolls, double_sign_reroll, sets = self.num, self.faces, self.bonus, self.double_b, self.rerolls, self.double_r, self.sets

-- num_dice & dice_faces default to 1 if negative or 0!
num_dice, dice_faces = max(num_dice, 1), max(dice_faces, 1)

local double_b = double_sign_bonus and (bonus >= 0 and '+' or '-') or ''
bonus = (bonus ~= 0 and double_b..format('%+d', bonus)) or ''

local double_r = double_sign_reroll and (rerolls >= 0 and '+' or '-') or ''
rerolls = (rerolls ~= 0 and '^'..double_r..format('%+d', rerolls)) or ''

if sets > 1 then
return '('..num_dice..'d'..dice_faces..bonus..rerolls..')x'..sets
return num_dice..'d'..dice_faces..bonus..rerolls
return unpack(set_rolls)

function dice.setMin(value) dice.minimum = value end

return dice
return dice

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