15 commits
to master
since this release
New Features:
- New TCG2 protocol tests based on TCG2 specification prescribe by Arm BBSR specification
- New TCG2 MOR tests
- SCT case specification documentation is adapted, updated and published, courtesy UTWG
- Added support for LongArch64 platform
- Add RISCV64 build support
Bug Fixes:
- TCG2 Protocol: clean up type conversion warnings
- TCG2 Protocol: #pragma pack cleanup
- TCG2 Protocol: use OFFSET_OF for computing offsets
- TCG2 Protocol: correct definition of TPMT_HA
- BBTestReadKeyStrokeExFunctionAutoTestCheckpoint1() can't identify the problem of wrong implementation of ReadKeyStrokeEx
- Fixed a pinter error in DevicePathFromTextBBTestCoverage.c
- Corrected %LX SctPrint code
- Fix the URL for the edk2-test repo
- Point users to the URL for edk2-test-parser if it doesn't exist
- Rename files in HowToBuild to avoid spaces in filenames
- Unbreak buildzip.sh
- SctPkg: Fix the UefiSct -Wincompatible-pointer-types warnings
- SctPkg: Fix X64 build errors for GCC toolchain
- RouteConfig() returns EFI_ACCESS_DENIED passes with warning
- Check for memory below 4G
- Enable LoongArch64 building
- Add LoongArch64 platform support
- Update path to edk2-test-parser, check for repo
- Replaced the incorrect references RANDOM_NAME_PROTOCOL to RANDOM_NUMBER_PROTOCOL
- Stall_Func: Reduces the stall interval for Stall_Func
- Incorrect instances of RANDOM_NAME_PROTOCOL
- Don't always check PixelInformation
- Updated the check for monotonic count after restart
- Allow SimpleTextOut SetMode to return EFI_UNSUPPORTED
- Allow some SNP functions to return EFI_UNSUPPORTED
- Invalid values for SetWakeupTime()
- Added clarification AuthVariableDERConfTest
- Fix BuildAtaDeviceNode()
- Unsupported TEXT_INPUT_EX.SetState
- RecordAssertion function parameter issue.
- Correct print code for EFI_MEMORY_TYPE