Clone repo, push to Github
Open Github Codespace
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ruby
bundle install --gemfile /workspaces/dev_team_rails/rails_app/Gemfile
(you may need to changedev_team_rails
if you changed the repo name) -
cd rails_app
bin/rails db:setup
bin/rails server
Note: as of 2024-07-22, Github Codespaces is running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ruby 3.2.4
This app is based on Rails
3 tables:
Comments (associated to project)
Statuses (associated to project)
Conversation history is built by selecting and merging all data associated with project, sorting chronologically, then tweaking output depending on type.
New projects are currently having to be initialised manually, to save time:
bin/rails console
Project.new(title: "Sample project", creator: "Jean").save
Status.new(status: "initialisation", project_id: 3).save