A simple tool that creates a png file of a trip based on a JSON input. The tool uses the direction and the static map API offered by Google.
The project uses Leiningen, so in order to build the standalone jar you have to use the following command in the root folder of the project: lein uberjar
The tool must receive one or more path of JSONs in input to work properly
$ java -jar tripmap-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
The input JSON must be something like this one :
"start" : "12/12/1999",
"end" : "13/12/1999",
"width" : 1920,
"height" : 1080,
"output" : "/home/thomas/Documenti/trips/trip1.png"
"trip" : {
"from" : "Cuggiono",
"to" : "Cuggiono",
"waypoints" : ["Zurich","Konstanz","Freiburg","Karlsruhe","Basel"]
Right now the start and end attributes are not used.
The result should look like this: