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👋 Hello, this is a simple site which tells people when the next update for Microsoft Flight Simulator is, it will show a countdown to each update, as-well as displaying the time and date of the release in the users timezone. Its primarily Javascript and HTML based and uses Jekyll to compile.

At the moment the site is automatically built using Vercel. However this may change if Bandwidth gets too high, I may opt to use Amazon AWS then.


How to build this repo


  • Ruby version 2.5.0 or higher, including all development headers (check your Ruby version using ruby -v)
  • RubyGems (check your Gems version using gem -v)
  • GCC and Make (check versions using gcc -v,g++ -v, and make -v)

Please follow

  1. Clone this REPO
  2. Run Jekyll serve

How to contribute

I've tried to make contributions as easy as possible, hence why I'm using Jekyll! (You don't need any programming experience to be able to contribute, just a basic understanding of Git)

Take a look at

This contains MD (Markdown) files of every update coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator.

To add a new update just make a pull request with a .md file, the format is as follows

title: PATCH -
type: patch
to_date: "26 March 2021 15:00:00 UTC"
layout: countdown
background_image: ""
background_color: "000"

Also please edit:

Look for order: and add the md file in the right order (I cant get Jekylls auto ordering to work right atm, so this is manual for now)

  • title: is what its called, should start with PATCH, WORLD UPDATE OR SIM UPDATE
  • type: patch, worldupdate, simupdate
  • to_date: Must follow this pattern e.g. 01 January 2022 10:00:00 UUTC
  • layout: countdown (its always this for now)
  • background_image: the background image, (make sure its MSFS related so its covered under the fair use policy Microsoft grant)
  • background_color: if no image, a color in HEX

If you don't want to do this, you can open an Issue at the top and let me know about a change, and I can make it! :)

If you wanna make more complex changes, go ahead and I will review the Pull Requests :)