git clone [email protected]:thelastmile/lms-frontend.git
cd lms-frontend
###Setup Environment Node is used to download and install packages used for the build process.
Download Node.js from https://nodejs.org/
from lms-frontend/
directory run:
sudo npm -g install bower gulp
npm install
gulp serve --usehtml
This will install the node modules and vendor assets along with allow the build for production.
###Local Development Server Fire up your backend server => https://github.com/thelastmile/lms-backend
Fire up your frontend
gulp serve --usehtml
Open your browser to after gulp spins up the server
###Getting the latest updates
cd <appdir>
git checkout master
git pull
npm install
gulp serve --usehtml
<- compiled files live here don't touch for dev, copy these to prodsrc/
<- all of your dev filestests/
<- you know what those arevendor/
<- some fixed vendor files for the Naut themeindex.html
<- DONT TOUCH ME! you'll be sad when your changes are overwritten. Instead modifysrc/html/index.html
<- the main file that loads up everything elsesrc/js/
<- this is where all of the magic happens. make your AngularJS changes here.src/less/
<- css with magicsrc/less/styles.less
<- your less config/import file.
npm install
gulp build --usehtml
aws s3 sync . s3://tlm-lms-master --exclude="*" --include="vendor*" --include="src*" --include=index.html --acl public-read
git clone https://github.com/thelastmile/lms-frontend.git
cd lms-frontend
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | bash -
sudo yum -y install npm
sudo npm -g install bower gulp
npm install
bower install
vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
change "server root" to /opt/lms-frontend
service nginx reload