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Nabin Karki Thapa edited this page Sep 18, 2013 · 1 revision

A sales quotation is basically a formal statement of promise (submitted usually in response to a request for quotation) by potential supplier to supply the goods or services required by a buyer, at specified prices, and within a specified period. A quotation may also contain terms of sale and payment, and warranties. Acceptance of quotation by the buyer constitutes an agreement binding on both parties.

Under this menu, the user can view all the sales quotations that have been made so far and choose to view more details or print details of any specific sales quotation using the action buttons next to the quotation.

Besides, the user can also search through all the sales order on the basis of date, office, party, price type, user, reference number, or statement reference.

If different sales quotations have been made to the same party then the user can select all (or any of) such quotations and then merge them together to generate a single [Sales Order] (Sales Order) or a [Sales Delivery] (Sales Delivery) to the party. Sales Quotation

To add a new sales quotation click on Add New and fill in the fields accordingly.

New Sales Quote

Any user can also Flag a quotation and assign a flag type (which are pre-defined) to the sales quotation for later reference purpose. Note that flags created by one user will not be visible to another user.

Flagging Quotations

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