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Angular 4+ typehead to search and select multiple tags.


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Peer dependencies

  • "@angular/core": ">4.3.0",
  • "@angular/forms": ">4.3.0",
  • "@angular/common": ">4.3.0",


npm i -S ngx-choices@latest

Import module

import { NgxChoicesModule } from 'ngx-choices';

  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

Use cases

Inside form as form control

<div class="container">
	<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(f)">
		<div class="form-group">
			<label>Enter email address(es)</label>
			<ngx-choices name="choices" [items]="items" [config]="config" [(ngModel)]="choices" required multiple></ngx-choices>

		<button type="submit" [disabled]="!f.valid">Submit</button>

Independent component

<ngx-choices name="choices" [items]="items" [config]="config" (onChange)="changed($event)" (onType)="typed($event)" (onError)="erred($event)" multiple></ngx-choices>


items (binding)

Dropdown items to choose choice from.

config (binding)

ngx-choices configuration object of type NGX_CHOICES_CONF.

onChange (event)

When user adds or removes choices. Emits changed values.

onType (event)

When user types inside input box to search from items or to add custom value. Emits typed value.

onError (event)

Sends alert notification occured during user interactions.

multiple (attr)

User will be able to select multiple choices.

disabled (attr)

To disable user interaction, just like when button or form control is disabled.


interface NGX_CHOICES_CONF {
    // [import enum `NGX_CHOICES_MODE` from ngx-choices]
    // mode to run ngx-choices in (default NGX_CHOICES_MODE.NORMAL) 
    // NGX_CHOICES_MODE.NORMAL mode -> select plain text for values
    // NGX_CHOICES_MODE.ABSTRACT mode -> select objects for values, will not accept for custom user input
    mode?: NGX_CHOICES_MODE;

    // key in items provided from which value will be selected (default id)
    // critical for validation and validating duplicate
    // no need in case of `filter` is false
    value?: string;

    // key in `items` provided or filtered results to display as selected choices (default null)
    label?: string;

    // extra field to be disabled in filtered results (default username)
    meta?: string;

    // image field to pick avatar image (default null)
    avatar?: string;

    // alternative avatar image url if avatar image is not found in the item (default null)
    avatar_url?: string;

    // allow only unique value (default true)
    unique?: boolean;

    // should ngx-choices filter items (default false)
    // items must be provided in order to filter choices
    filter?: boolean;

    // should ngx-choices filter remote items (default null)
    // if provided, this will not use items provided ngx-choices using `items` binding
    remoteFilter?: {
        // api url endpoint to fetch data
        // by default, `q` query parameter used to send user type query value
        url: string;
        // additional query parameters to be sent
        queryParams?: HttpParams;

        // addtional headers to be sent
        headers?: HttpHeaders;

        // search query parameter (default q)
        searchParam?: string;

    // placeholder text of user input box (default 'Type to enter value')
    placeholder?: string;

    // [import RegExp preset `REGEX_TYPES` from ngx-choices]
    // regular expression to match choice value (default REGEX_TYPES.ALL)
    pattern?: RegExp;

    // minimum length of user input value (default 1)
    minLength?: number;

    // maximum length of user input value (default 100)
    maxLength?: number;

    // maximum number of values user can choose (default 100)
    maxSelections?: number;

    // hide input on maximum selections (default false)
    hideInputOnMaxSelections?: boolean;

    // accept user input value (default true)
    // will not work in case of abstract `mode`
    acceptUserInput?: boolean;
    // css styles
    style?: {
        // min-width of input box
        minInputWidth?: string;

        // selected value element properties
        choiceElementHeight?: string;
        choiceBorderRadius?: string;

    type: string;
    msg: string;




const REGEX_TYPES = {
    ALL: /.+/,
    EMAIL: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/,
    LETTERS_ONLY: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/,
    INT_ONLY: /^\d+$/,
    FLOAT_ONLY: /^-?\d*(\.\d+)?$/

const KEY_CODES = {
    backspace: 8,
    enter: 13,
    up: 38,
    down: 40

    value: 'id',
    label: 'name',
    meta: null,
    avatar: null,
    avatar_url: null,
    unique: true,
    filter: false,
    remoteFilter: null,
    placeholder: 'Type to enter value',
    pattern: REGEX_TYPES.ALL,
    minLength: 1,
    maxLength: 100,
    maxSelections: 100,
    hideInputOnMaxSelections: false,
    acceptUserInput: true,
    style: {
      minInputWidth: '150px',
      choiceElementHeight: '22px',
      choiceBorderRadius: '12px',


Integrate or build upon it for free in your personal or commercial projects. Don't republish, redistribute or sell "as-is". We would appreciate if you contact us at [email protected] (if you are a business, institution or organization) so that we can mention your name in users list on this page.