React Google Places Autocomplete input -- fully customizable
📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)
Hyper-fast virtual lists for React apps and websites
An application to sign files with smart cards / Una aplicación para firmar archivos con tarjetas inteligentes
A Discord bot that makes scheduling easy
Enforces a consistent use of conditional expressions in jsx
A collection of handy generative art utilities
Backend for Consequences, CD to Heroku. Node. Typescript. Express. Apollo Server. GraphQL
Declarative component for managing side-effects in Formik forms. 580 bytes
Here's an example of using React Context and useReducer with Next.js for state management.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
An implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System using React
📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
Automatically find the closest accessible color combination
An opinionated kit to provide people some inspiration and ideas for their own workflows.
🍃 React Slidy - Minimalistic and smooth touch slider and carousel component for React
Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
helpful libraries for *building* CLIs. Not a list of CLIs.
Smoking Hot React Notifications 🔥
Traducción de la serie de JavaScript. YDKJS
React Hook for managing state in URL query parameters with easy serialization.
A set of exercises for deliberate Git Practice
📜 A collective list of public GraphQL APIs