Feliz Binding for ChartJS
Install the nuget package
dotnet paket add Feliz.ChartJS
and install the npm package
npm install --save react-chartjs-2 chart.js
or use Femto:
femto install Feliz.ChartJS
- Start your test app by cloning this repository and then execute:
dotnet run
Here is an example ChartJS
ChartJS.line [
line.options [
option.responsive true
option.plugins[plugin.datalabels [
datalabels.display true
datalabels.align Bottom
datalabels.borderRadius 3
datalabels.color "red"
datalabels.backgroundColor "green"
line.data [
lineData.labels [|
lineData.datasets [|
lineData.dataset [
lineDataSet.label "My First Dataset"
lineDataSet.borderColor "rgb(53, 162, 235)"
lineDataSet.backgroundColor "rgba(53, 162, 235, 0.5)"
lineDataSet.data [|
lineData.dataset [
lineDataSet.label "My Second Dataset"
lineDataSet.borderColor "yellow"
lineDataSet.backgroundColor "rgba(53, 162, 235, 0.5)"
lineDataSet.data [|
You can find more examples here