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Run TSB demos on a single Ubuntu 22.04 VM (32/64GB) using K3s/Kind/Minikube

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Tetrate Service Bridge on Kubernetes (K3s/Kind/Minikube) within a Single Ubuntu VM


The purpose of this repo is to provide an isolated environment that allows to showcase TSB value add, without any external dependencies towards cloud provider services.

The target audience for this repo includes:

  • Prospects that want to quickly dive into TSB, without too much internal administrative overhead (tooling, cloud access rights, etc)
  • Tecnhical pre/post sales to quickly have a scenario up and running for demo and or testing purposes
  • Developers to quickly reproduce scenarios that go beyond just one cluster
  • Trainers and trainees, to have an isolated and easy to manage/clean-up environment.

The environment is based on locally hosted kubernetes clusters, with docker as the underlying virtualization. Currently, only a Linux x86 based systems are supported, as TSB images are not multi-arch yet (no support for MacOS on an M1 for example). The following local kubernetes providers are supported:

Both tctl and helm based installation methods are suppported. Helper scripts to bootstrap a local multipass or cloud based gcp Ubuntu VM are available.

The repo provides support to spin up any arbitrary number of local kubernetes clusters and VM's. VM's are implemented as docker containers with systemd support, so that VM onboarding with our onboarding agent and JWK based attestation can be demo'ed. TSB is automatically installed on those local kubernetes clusters, as per declarative configuration (more on that later).

To reduce traffic from cloudsmith, a local docker repository is implemented, which decreases traffic costs and speeds up TSB deployments.

In order to provide an abstraction and maximum flexibility, a distinction is made between a topology and a scenario. Anyone is encouraged to add extra topologies and scenarios as he/she sees fit. A scenario is depending on a topology, so keep that in mind once you start changing topologies already used by certain scenarios.

In terms of memory constraints of the VM:

  • a 32GB Ubuntu machine can support up to 3 TSB clusters to showcase a active/standby scenario.
  • a 64GB Ubuntu machine can support up to 5 TSB clusters to showcase a transit-zone scenario.
  • it takes around 15 minutes to spin those 5 TSB clusters up completely from scratch (infra / tsb config / application deployment).
  • spinning down is just a destroy/stopping of the VM or a make clean, which takes 30 seconds.


In order to use this repo, you will need to have an Ubuntu based VM. You can chose to spin up one yourself, locally or in the cloud of your preference; or you you use the helper script to spin up a VM locally (using multipass) or on GCP (using gcloud). Example vm-template-<gcp|mulitpass>-Xg.json files are available for your reference.

./ vm.json --help
Usage: ./ <vm-config.json> [options]
  --start     Start an Ubuntu VM.
  --stop      Stop the Ubuntu VM.
  --delete    Delete the Ubuntu VM.
  --recreate  Recreate (delete & start) the Ubuntu VM.
  --shell     Spawn a shell into the Ubuntu VM.
  --help      Display this help message.

Once the VM has started, ssh into it and start the rest of the configuration and installation process.

In order to share your environment with someone else, one only needs to share the vm.json file (or the corresponding gcloud compute ssh command). The defaults provided are leveraging a shared GCP project that is accessible by anyone within Tetrate, but feel free to use another one.


In order to spin-up an environment, leveraging a certain topology and scenario, a top level JSON file env.json needs to be configured. An example (without actual TSB repo password) is provided here.

The JSON file contains configuration data on the topology and scenario to be used. The topology and scenario names match exactly the name of the folders structure under topologies//scenarios/.

# tree -d -L 3 topologies/
├── active-standby
│   ├── scenarios
│   │   └── abc-failover
│   └── templates
│       ├── active
│       ├── mgmt
│       └── standby
├── demo-profile
│   ├── scenarios
│   │   ├── gitops-argocd
│   │   └── gitops-fluxcd
│   └── templates
│       └── demo
├── hub-spoke
│   ├── scenarios
│   │   └── abc-def-ghi
│   └── templates
│       ├── cluster1
│       ├── cluster2
│       ├── cluster3
│       └── mgmt
├── transit-zones
│   ├── scenarios
│   │   └── abcd-efgh
│   └── templates
│       ├── app1
│       ├── app2
│       ├── mgmt
│       ├── transit1
│       └── transit2
├── tsb-training
│   ├── scenarios
│   │   └── main
│   └── templates
│       ├── c1
│       ├── c2
│       └── t1
├── vm-expansion
│   ├── scenarios
│   │   └── abc-hybrid
│   └── templates
│       └── mgmt
└── vm-only
    ├── scenarios
    │   └── abc-vm
    └── templates
        └── mgmt

A short enumeration of the paramaters to be configured:

parameter type description
scenario string name of the scenario you want to use
topology string name of the topology you want to use
tsb object tsb configuration data
tsb.istio_version string version of istioctl to install on the host (make this TSB version compatible)
tsb.install_method string tsb installation method, one of tctl or helm
tsb.tetrate_repo object configuration of the tsb cloudsmith repository (to sync images in a local or private repo)
tsb.tetrate_repo.password string your tsb cloudsmith password
tsb.tetrate_repo.user string your tsb cloudsmith username
tsb.version string tsb version to install

Alert: Never commit your TSB cloudsmith credentials to github!

Networking and local kubernetes details

Every cluster (managementplane or controlplane) is deployed in a separate docker network with a separate subnet. VMs that are configured at the managementplane or controlplane are docker containers that run within that same network. The name of the docker network, matches the name of the cluster, which matches the name of the kubectl context.

In order to provide cross docker network connectivity, docker iptables rules are flushed (docker networks are isolated with iptables by design, and we do not want that here).

The reason to use separate docker networks, is mere convenience in terms of metallb dhcp pools and ip address assignment and traceability in general.

Local docker repository details

The local docker registry mirror, if you choose to use that, is also deployed in a separate docker network, named registry.

# docker network ls
NETWORK ID     NAME              DRIVER    SCOPE
72ccb42b9499   registry          bridge    local

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE        COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS       PORTS                                       NAMES
177f8ae75e11   registry:2   "/ /etc…"   7 days ago   Up 7 hours>5000/tcp, :::5000->5000/tcp   registry


Topologies are the infra-structure part of the repo, and are expressed in JSON files.

Topologies determine:

  • the names of your clusters (mapping to kubectl contexts and docker networks)
  • how many kubernetes clusters you want
  • how many tsb managementplane and controlplane clusters you want
  • the networking aspects of those clusters (in terms of region/zone)
  • the number of VMs you want, and where they are deployed

Currently a handful of useful topologies are available:

# ls topologies -1


Take a look at the example template provided here to see how this works.

A short enumeration of the parameters to be configured:

parameter type description
cp_clusters list a list TSB controlplane clusters
cp_clusters.[].k8s_provider string the kubernetes provider of this controlplane cluster (k3s, kind or minikube)
cp_clusters.[].k8s_version string the version of kubernetes of this controlplane cluster
cp_clusters.[].name string the name of this controlplane cluster (used as local kubectl context, docker network name and TSB cluster name)
cp_clusters.[].region string the region to configure for this controlplane cluster
cp_clusters.[].zone string the zone to configure for this controlplane cluster
cp_clusters.[].vms list a list of VMs to spin-up in the same network as this controlplane cluster
cp_clusters.[].vms.[].image string the base image to use as VM
cp_clusters.[].vms.[].name string the name of this VM (used as hostname, docker container name and VM name)
mp_cluster object tsb managementplane cluster configuration
mp_cluster.k8s_provider string the kubernetes provider of this managementplane cluster (k3s, kind or minikube)
mp_cluster.k8s_version string the version of kubernetes of this managementplane cluster string the name of this managementplane cluster (used as local kubectl context, docker network name and TSB cluster name)
mp_cluster.region string the region to configure for the managementplane cluster string the zone to configure for the managementplane cluster
mp_cluster.vms list
mp_cluster.vms.[].image string the base image to use as VM
mp_cluster.vms.[].name string the name of this VM (used as hostname, docker container name and VM name)


Scenarios are leveraging one available scenario. They will deploy TSB configuration (dependent on the topology!), kubernetes configuration, VM configuration/onboarding and anything else you might need or want.

The "interface" to the rest of the system is a file which is invoked by the top-level makefile system. It should contain a running hook (shell parameter) for deploy (deployment of your scenario), undeploy (clean-up scenario, bringing the system back to topology only) and info (information about the scenario in terms of ip address and useful commands to execute).

Current scenarios implemented on the available topologies all leverage our built-in obs-tester-server. One can implement any application as one sees fit or useful.

Scenarios should not limit themselves to demo applications. One can also implement a scenario to demonstrate gitops, ci/cd, telemetry, rbac or other integrations. As long as the components are docker/k8s friendly and there is no hard-coded external dependency, anything is possible.

Scenario documentation and screenshots are to be provided in the corresponding scenario subfolders within a topology (TODO).

topology scenario description
active-standby abc-failover mgmt cluster as T1, active cluster with a-b-c, standby cluster as failover
hub-spoke abc-def-ghi mgmt cluster as multi-tenant T1, a-b-c d-e-f and g-h-i as separate tenants
transit-zones abcd-efgh mgmt cluster and 2 app clusters and 2 transit cluster, ab-cd and ef-gh bidirectional cross transit
tsb-training main tsb training (cfr
vm-expansion abc-hybrid mgmt cluster as T1, a-b-c with a k8s only, b hybrid and c vm only
vm-only abc-vm mgmt cluster as T1, a-b-c as VM only


After you have configured the necessary details in env.json as described above in configuration, you can spin-up the desired environment using make, which is self-documented.

# make

help                           This help
up                             Bring up full demo scenario
down                           Bring down full demo scenario
info                           Get information about infra environment and scenario
prereq-check                   Check if prerequisites are installed
prereq-install                 Install prerequisites
infra-up                       Bring up and configure local kubernetes clusters and vms
infra-down                     Bring down local kubernetes clusters and vms
infra-info                     Get infra environment info
tsb-mp-install                 Install TSB management cluster
tsb-mp-uninstall               Uninstall TSB management cluster
tsb-cp-install                 Install TSB control/data plane(s)
tsb-cp-uninstall               Install TSB control/data plane(s)
scenario-deploy                Deploy this scenario
scenario-undeploy              Undeploy this scenario
scenario-info                  Info about this scenario
clean                          Clean up all resources

All temporary files (configuration, certificates, etc) are stored in output folder, which is cleaned up with a make clean command as well.

The info and scenario-info target give more information about the topology and scenarios being used (ip addresses, ssh commands, kubectl commands, useful curl commands, etc).

Note: all makefile targets are implemented to be idempotent, which means that you can run them once, or more, but the result should always be working. This means there is quite some code in the shell scripts that verifies if certain one-off actions are already done, and skips them if needed. Please take this into consideration when you add new scenarios.

Repo structure and files

This section is a brief description of the repo structure itself. What folder and files are used, and what are they doing.

file/folder description
addons/ useful addons (wip). Eg: kibana for elastic index display, openldap-ui for ldap configuration, pgadmin for postgres exploration, etc
docker-vm/ the dockerfile for the VM, which is basically a docker image with systemd and some more
output/ structured output with temporary files like certificates, configuration, jwk's, etc
topologies/ the topologies available
topologies//scenarios// a scenario available for a certain topology script with functions to generate certificates with openssl (root, istio, server or client) script to install tsb controlplane, based on the topology configured
env-template.json env.json template to be copied and adjusted to your needs (never commit this one!) helper functions to add color in a madness of shell output script to install the desired topology, using local kubernetes and docker
Makefile the top level makefile and main entrypoint to be used by end-users script to install tsb management plane, based on the topology configured this file for documentation script to check some necessary prerequisites and avoid pain later down helper scripts for local repo spinup and/or local/private repo syncing from TSB cloudsmith repo script responsible for interacting with the file of your scenario


Known issues

In case you have manually started your VM and one of the clusters fails to bootstrap all pods correctly with the error "too many open files", modify the following settings (on Ubuntu) in the file /etc/sysctl.conf and add these lines:

fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 512


This issue is mitigated by the cloud-init scripts provided and used by the script.


A non-exhaustive list of to be implemented items include:

  • add topology/scenario documentation and screenshots
  • rpm based vm onboarding support
  • tsb training labs ( as a set of scenarios on a dedicated training topology
  • porting eshop-demo repo ( to here as well
  • more scenarios with real applications
  • add support for aws and azure
  • add support for local MacOS (intel and arm chipset): WIP (obs-tester!)
  • integrations, integrations, integrations:
    • gitops: fluxcd and argocd
    • cicd: jenkins
    • authn/z: keycloack, ory
    • telemetry: prometheus, etc
    • ...


This repo is purely used for demo/training/local usage purposes and not meant for production environments at all.


Run TSB demos on a single Ubuntu 22.04 VM (32/64GB) using K3s/Kind/Minikube






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