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@zdevito zdevito released this 26 Mar 02:09
· 406 commits to master since this release

This new release of Terra brings some changes to the language and APIs designed to simplify the language and improve error reporting. These changes were based on the experiences of developing DSLs with Terra such as Darkroom, Ebb, and Regent, which gave us a better idea of how the language will be used and what problems crop up in larger systems.

In our experience, Terra code only requires minor changes to make it work with this new release, but feel free to email this list if you run into a situation where an update would not be trivial. Looking at the difference in the unit tests is useful to see where APIs and syntax have changed for particular features.

More detailed notes about the changes are below.

‘Eager’ Typechecking


This release changes when typechecking of Terra functions and quotations occurs. Previously, typechecking was done ‘lazily’, that is, it ran right before a Terra function was actually used. Instead, the current version typechecks eagerly — immediately when a function or quotation is defined. This includes all meta-programming such as evaluating escapes and running macros.


The original ‘lazy’ design had some advantages. For instance, it allowed for a flexible order to when things were defined. A function could call a Terra method before that method was declared by the struct being used. However, we have found those advantages are outweighted by disadvantages. In lazy typechecking, errors tended to get reported very far from the creation of the statement that caused them, slowing debugging. It also complicated meta-programming, a core aspect of Terra. When constructing Terra expressions like the quotation a + b, it could be useful to know what the type of the resulting expression would be. With lazy typechecking, they type is not known when the quote is constructed. It can be difficult to figure out the type ofa + bfrom the types ofaandb` without duplicating much of Terra's typechecking rules. While, we allowed a work-around that deferred meta-programming to typechecking time by using a macro, it only complicated the process.

These problems are resolved in the current release with eager typechecking. Type errors are immediately reported when a function definition or quotation is created, making it easier to debug. The type of a quotation is also always availiable of use during metaprogramming:

local function genadd(a,b)
    local sum = `a + b
    print(“the type of sum is”,sum:gettype())
    -- use the type to do whatever you want
    return sum
terra foo()
    var d = 1.5
    var i = 1
    var d = [sum(d,i)] -- the type of sum is double
    var i = [sum(i,i)] -- the type of sum is int

Ramifications to existing code

Function Declaration/Definition

The major ramification of this change is that functions must be declared with a type before they are used in code, and that structs must be defined before being used in code. This is similar to the behavior of C/C++. To prevent everything from needing to be defined in a strict order, we allow continuous declarations/definitions to be processed simultaneously. Any sequence of declarations or definitions of terra structs and functions are now processed simultaneously:

terra PrintReal(a : double)
    C.printf("%d ",a)
terra PrintComplex(c : Complex)
    C.printf("Complex ")
struct Complex { real : double, imag : double }
print("lua code")
terra secondunit()

In this case the declarations of Complex, PrintComplex, and PrintReal are processed first, followed by the definitions. Any interleaving Lua code, like the 'print' statement breaks up a declaration block. Previously this behavior was only possible using the 'and' keyword. Now this behavior is the default and the 'and' syntax has been removed.

Since typechecking is eager, function declarations now require types:

local terra PrintReal :: double -> {}
terra Complex:add :: {Complex,Complex} -> Complex

(The double colon, ::, is necessary to avoid a parser ambiguity with method definitions)


Since typechecking is eager, Symbols must always be constructed with types so their types are known when used in quotations. The type argument to the symbol(type,[name]) function is no longer optional and will report an error if omitted. To get a unique label for struct members, method name, or goto labels, the label([name]) function has been added. Symbols and Labels are now distinct concepts. Symbols always have types and represent a unique name for a Terra expression, while Labels never have a type and represent a unique name for a labels.

Furthermore, since Symbols always have types, the optional type annotations for escaped variable declarations have been removed:

local a = symbol(int,"a")
terra foo([a]) --ok
terra foo([a]:int) -- syntax error, symbol 'a' always has a type making the annotation redundant


Certain APIs for handling the consequences of lazy typechecking such as :peektype have been removed. :printpretty only takes a single argument since expressions are always type.

Improved Error Reporting

In addition to having type errors occur earlier, the quality of error reporting has improved. Previously, if used-defined code such as an escape, macro, or type annotation resulted in an error, the typechecker would try to recover and continue generating type errors for the rest of a function. This resulted in long inscrutable error messages.

The new error reporting system does not attempt to recover in these cases and instead reports a more meaningful error message with a full stack trace that includes what the typechecker was checking when the error occurred.


local function dosomething(a)
    error("NYI - dosomething")
local function dosomethingmore(a)
    local b = dosomething(a)
    return `a + b

terra foo(d : int)
    var c = [dosomethingmore(d)]
    return c


error.t:2: NYI - dosomething
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    error.t:2: in function 'dosomething'
    error.t:5: in function 'userfn'
    error.t:10: Errors reported during evaluating Lua code from Terra
        var c = [dosomethingmore(d)]
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:1748: in function 'evalluaexpression'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:2772: in function 'docheck'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:2983: in function 'checkexp'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:2510: in function 'checkexpressions'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:3150: in function 'checksingle'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:3184: in function 'checkstmts'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:3079: in function 'checkblock'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:3268: in function 'typecheck'
    /Users/zdevito/terra/src/terralib.lua:1096: in function 'defineobjects'
    error.t:9: in main chunk

The error reporting system also does a better job at accurately reporting line numbers for code that exists in escapes.

Constant Expressions and Initializers

Terra Constants generated with constant([type],[value]) can now be defined using Terra quotations of constant expressions:

local complexobject = constant(`Complex { 3, 4 })

Constant expressions are a subset of Terra expressions whose values are guaranteed to be constant and correspond roughly to LLVM's concept of a constant expression. They can include things whose values will be constant after compilation but whose value is not known beforehand such as the value of a function pointer:

terra a() end
terra b() end
terra c() end
-- array of function pointers to a,b, and c.
local functionarray = const(`array(a,b,c))

The global initializer to a global() variable can also be a constant expression now and can be reassigned until the global is actually compiled using :setinitializer.

Separate Overloaded and non-Overloaded Functions

Previously, it was possible for any Terra function to have multiple definitions, which would cause it to become an overloaded function. However, there are many cases where a function with a single definition is needed such as saving an object (.o) file, generating a function pointer, and unambiguously calling a Terra function from Lua.

In this release, terra functions are single-defintion by default. Another definition overrides the previous one.

Overloaded functions are still possible using a separate object:

local addone = terralib.overloadedfunction("addone", 
               { terra(a : int) return a + 1 end,
                 terra(a : double) return a + 1 end })
-- you can also add methods later
addone:adddefinition(terra(a : float) return a + 1 end) 

This fixes the worst problem caused by overloaded functions. On the REPL, defining a new version of a function simply added another definition to the previous function rather than overwriting it:

> terra foo() return 1 end
> terra foo() return 2 end
> terra useit() foo() end --old behavior: function is ambiguously defined
                          --new behavior: returns 2

API changes reflect the fact that functions only have a single definition. For flexibility, we allow the definition of an already defined function to be changed using :resetdefinition as long as it has not already been output by the compiler.

Calling Lua Functions from Terra

A common inscrutable error was accidentally calling a a Lua function from Terra when that function was meant to be escaped, or was intended to be a macro. To avoid this situation, we reject attempts to call Lua functions directly. Instead, they must now be cast to a terra function first with terralib.cast:

local tprint = terralib.cast({int}->{},print)
terra foo()

If you want the old behavior, you can recreate it using macros:

local function createluawrapper(luafn)
    local typecache = {}
    return macro(function(...)
        local args = terralib.newlist {...}
        local argtypes = args:map("gettype")
        local fntype = argtypes -> {}
        if not typecache[fntype] then
            typecache[fntype] = terralib.cast(fntype,luafn)
        local fn = typecache[fntype]
        return `fn([args])

local tprint = createluawrapper(print)
terra test()


Abstract Syntax Description Language (ASDL)

Compiler internals in Terra have been changed to use the Zephyr Abstract Syntax Description Language (ASDL), which is also used internally in the CPython implementation.

A require-able Lua package "asdl" provides this library to users so that they can also use ASDL to create data-types to represent abstract-syntax trees and intermediate representations in their own DSLs.

Using ASDL to represent Terra's internal ASTs will make it easier to write backends in addition to LLVM that consume the AST.

Other API Changes

__for meta-method behavior has been changed to be simpler.