To download, go to the latest release and click 'Source code (zip)':
- Discord:
- Egosoft Forum:
- Special thanks to Joubarbe for making Mayhem. You can show your support by buying Joubarbe a coffee:
- Also thanks to Hector for doing the majority of the work, and for graciously allowing me to distribute SWM3
- Star Wars ships and stations
- Fleets evolve in a new 'Era System'. Player progress unlocks new phases which are based on different themes from SW lore.
- Customizable t-file ('addon/t/9973-L044.xml')
- Very Mayhem newcomer friendly: tutorials expanded, much weaker bad guys (Xenon/OCV), less challenging start, reduced endgame grind, removed all time sensitive difficulty scaling
- Argon - Empire / Remnant
- Boron - New Republic
- Goner - N/A
- Kha'ak - Sith
- OCV - Sith
- Paranid - CIS
- Split - Rebellion
- Teladi - Republic / Old Republic / Jedi
- Xenon - Sith
- Yaki - Mandalorian / Pirates
- Optional (not recommended): Certain intrusive backgrounds are disabled during galaxy generation. To enable all backrounds, backup 'mayhem_data/custom_backgrounds.txt' and replace it by renaming the optional file called 'custom_backgrounds-ALL-OPTIONAL.txt' to 'custom_backgrounds.txt'
- Star Wars Mayhem 3 Data Pack:
- Star Wars Mayhem 3:
- Temetvince's Alaankwa mod is compatible with SWM3 and includes bug fixes for M3 plus some features that mesh well with SWM3: