is package support for voip call. Please contact pitel to use the service.
When user make call from Pitel Connect app, Pitel Server pushes a notification for all user login (who receives the call). When user "Accept" call, extension will re-register to receive call.
- Register Extension
- Call
- Hangup
- Turn on/off micro
- Turn on/of speaker
- Install Packages
- Run this command:
flutter pub add flutter_pitel_voip
- Or add pubspec.yaml:
flutter_pitel_voip: any
- Get package
flutter pub get
- Import
import 'package:flutter_pitel_voip/flutter_pitel_voip.dart';
- Configure Project
- In file app.dart config easyloading
import 'package:flutter_easyloading/flutter_easyloading.dart';
// ....
return MaterialApp.router(
// ...
builder: EasyLoading.init(),
- In file
// Request permission
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
- Request permission in file
<string>Use microphone</string>
- Make sure platform ios
platform :ios, '13.0'
- Pushkit/ Push notification - Received VoIP and Wake app from Terminated State.
Note Please check PUSH_NOTIF.md. setup Pushkit (for IOS), push notification (for Android).
[Android only]: If you give a error flutter_webrtc when run app in android. Please update code in file
dependencies {
// Remove
// implementation 'com.github.webrtc-sdk:android:104.5112.03'
// Replace
implementation 'io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:104.5112.09'
Please checkout repo github to get example
- In file
, Wrap MaterialApp with PitelVoip widget Please follow example
Note: handleRegisterCall, handleRegister, registerFunc in here
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PitelVoip( // Wrap with PitelVoip
handleRegister: handleRegister, // Handle register
handleRegisterCall: handleRegisterCall, // Handle register call
child: MaterialApp.router(
- In file
. Please follow example. Add WidgetsBindingObserver to handle AppLifecycleState change
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PitelVoipCall(
// Wrap with PitelVoipCall
bundleId: '${bundle_id}',
appMode: 'dev', // dev or production
sipInfoData: sipInfoData,
goBack: () {
// go back function
goToCall: () {
// go to call screen
onCallState: (callState) {
// IMPORTANT: Set callState to your global state management. Example: bloc, getX, riverpod,..
// Example riverpod
// ref.read(callStateController.notifier).state = callState;
onRegisterState: (String registerState) {
// get Register Status in here
child: ...,
Prop | Description | Type | Default |
bundleId | bundleId IOS, packageId android | String | Required |
appMode | debug mode or release mode | String | Required |
sipInfoData | SIP information data | () {} | Required |
goBack | goback navigation | () {} | Required |
goToCall | navigation, go to call screen | () {} | Required |
onCallState | set call status | (callState) {} | Required |
onRegisterState | get extension register status | (String registerState) {} | Required |
child | child widget | Widget | Required |
Register extension from data of Tel4vn provide. Example: 101, 102,… Create 1 button to fill data to register extension.
onPressed: () asyns {
final PushNotifParams pushNotifParams = PushNotifParams(
teamId: '${apple_team_id}',
bundleId: '${bundle_id}',
final sipInfoData = SipInfoData.fromJson({
"authPass": "${Password}",
"registerServer": "${Domain}",
"outboundServer": "${Outbound Proxy}",
"port": PORT,
"accountName": "${UUser}", // Example 101
"displayName": "${Display Name}",
"wssUrl": "${URL WSS}",
"apiDomain": "${URL API}"
final pitelClient = PitelServiceImpl();
final pitelSetting = await pitelClient.setExtensionInfo(sipInfoData, pushNotifParams);
// IMPORTANT: Set pitelSetting to your global state management. Example: bloc, getX, riverpod,..
// Example riverpod
// ref.read(pitelSettingProvider.notifier).state = pitelSettingRes;
child: const Text("Register"),),
- Logout extension
- In file
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_pitel_voip/flutter_pitel_voip.dart';
class CallPage extends StatelessWidget {
const CallPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// IMPORTANT: Get callState from your global state management. Example: bloc, getX, riverpod,..
// Example riverpod
// final callState = ref.watch(callStateController);
return CallScreen(
callState: callState, // callState from state management you set before
goBack: () {
// Call your go back function in here
bgColor: Colors.cyan,
Prop | Description | Type | Default |
goBack | go back navigation | () {} | Required |
bgColor | background color | Color | Required |
txtMute | Text display of micro mute | String | Optional |
txtUnMute | Text display of micro unmute | String | Optional |
txtSpeaker | Text display speaker | String | Optional |
txtOutgoing | Text display direction outgoing call | String | Optional |
txtIncoming | Text display direction incoming call | String | Optional |
textStyle | Style for mic/speaker text | TextStyle | Optional |
titleTextStyle | Style for display phone number text | TextStyle | Optional |
timerTextStyle | Style for timer text | TextStyle | Optional |
directionTextStyle | Style for direction text | TextStyle | Optional |
showHoldCall | Show action button hold call | bool | Optional |
- Outgoing call
phoneNumber: "",
handleRegisterCall: (){},
Prop | Description | Type | Default |
phoneNumber | phone number for call out | String | Required |
handleRegisterCall | re-register when call out | () {} | Required |
nameCaller | set name caller | String | Optional |
Using tryit to test voip call connection & conversation Link: https://tryit.jssip.net/ Setting:
- Access to link https://tryit.jssip.net/
- Enter extension: example 102
- Click Setting icon
- Enter information to input field
- Save
- Click icon -> to connect