- 🤖 Introduction
- 🚀 Tech Stack
- ✨ Features
- 📚 Getting Started
- ❤️ Credits
This is a portfolio template built using Next.JS, Framer Motion and Shadcn/UI.
- Next.js
- shadcn/ui
- Framer Motion
- Tailwind CSS
- ⚡️ Next.js 15 with App Router
- 📝 Blog
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS - for styling
- 🌈 Shadcn UI - accessible UI components
- 📱 Responsive design
- 🌗 Light / Dark mode
- 📈 SEO optimized with meta tags
- 📊 Sentry (setup required)
- 🎨 Animations - using Framer Motion
- 🔨 Husky & Lint Staged - lint and format code before committing
- 💄 Prettier - code formatting
- 📞 Contact form (setup required)
- 🛡️ Cloudflare Turnstile (setup required)
Please refer to the getting started guide for information on how to configure and run the portfolio template.
This project wouldn’t be possible without the following open-source projects:
- MDX Rendering and Logic from fumadocs
- MDX Data from content-collections
- UI from shadcn/ui
- Smooth Scrolling from Lenis
- Turnstile from react-turnstile
This project has been inspired by the following websites:
- honghong.me
- cuberto.com
- fuma-nama.vercel.app
- fumadocs.vercel.app
- dennissnellenberg.com
- bychristinakosik.com
- danmachado.com
- ui.aceternity.com
- blog.olivierlarose.com
- props.studiolumio.com
- dennissnellenberg.com
- davidhaz.com
- fellipeutaka.vercel.app
- a-bd.me
- luge.cool
- nahelmoussi.com
- boyntonyards.com
- ped.ro
- leerob.io
- portfolio hero challenge
- minimal homepage exploration
- suxmaiya.framer.website
- jrhu.me
- github.com/ismamz/next-transition-router
- jorisbrianti.fr
- athos-dark.framer.ai
- fancycomponents.dev
and more