pgm-toolkit is a P5-PGM (8-bits binary Portable Gray Map) image files manipulation library, includes basic parsing, filtering and manipulation operators.
File format description can be found at More information about MM (Mathematical Morphology) can be found at
- from_file
- to_file
- max_depth
- min_depth
- compatible_format
- clone_format
- empty
- are_equal
- is_greater_than
- is_lesser_than
- supreme
- infimum
- addition
- subtraction
- gradient
- normalize
- flatzone (with high-speed queue)
- binarize
- binarize_within
- binarize_equal
- inverse
- erosion
- dilation
- opening
- closing
- opening_closing
- closing_opening
I am really sorry for the lack of documentation, if you feel like using this library just take look at the exercises directory, it should be enlightening.