This repository contains the code that I've written when taking The-Ultimate-React-Course-2023-React-Redux-Course from Jonas Schmedtmann.
It has the following sections:
- React Fundamentals
- A First Look at React:
- Essential JavaScript for React
- Working with Components, Props, and JSX
- State, Events, and Forms: Interactive Components
- Thinking in React: State Management
- Eat-'N-Split Project
- Intermediate React:
- Thinking in React: Components, Composition, and Reusability
- How React Works Behind the Scenes
- Effects and Data Fetching
- Custom Hooks, Refs, and More State
- React Before Hooks: Class-Based React
- Advanced React + Redux:
- Advanced useReducer Hook
- React Router: Building Single-Page Applications (SPA)
- Advanced State Management: The Context API
- Performance Optimization and Advanced useEffect
- Redux and Modern Redux Toolkit (with Thunks)
- Professional React Development:
- React Router with Data Loading
- Tailwind CSS Crash Course: Styling the App
- Adding Redux and Advanced React Router
- Setting up our Biggest Project + Styled Components
- Supabase Crash Course: Building a Back-End!
- React Query: Managing Remote State
- Advanced React Patterns
- Implementing More Features: Authentication, Dark Mode, Dashboard, etc
- Deployment with Netlify and Vercel
More information here.