This repository contains the code that I've written when taking The-Complete-JavaScript-Course-2023-From-Zero-to-Expert from Jonas Schmedtmann course.
It has the following courses:
- JavaScript Fundamentals - Part 1
- JavaScript Fundamentals - Part 2
- Developer Skills % Editor Setup
- HTML & CSS Crash Course
- JavaScript in the Browser:DOM and Event Fundamentals
- How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes
- Data Structures, Modern Operators and Strongs
- A Closer Look at Functions
- Working With Arrays
- Numbers, Dates, Intl and Timers
- Advanced DOM and Events
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) With JavaScript
- Mapty App: OOP, Geolocation, External Libraries and More!
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX
- Modern JavaScript Development: Modules, Tooling, and Functional
- Forkify App: Building a Modern Application
- Setting Up Git and Deployment
More information here.
Final Project: Forkify
Project 1: Pig Game 👉 Live Demo
Project 2: Bankist 👉 Live Demo
Project 3: Mapty 👉 Live Demo