My CS50 Harvard Course GitHub repository is a collection of my code, projects, and assignments completed during the course, showcasing my progress and skills as I tackle the challenges presented by Harvard's CS50 curriculum.
It has the following courses:
- Week 0 HTML, CSS
- Week 1 Git
- Week 2 Python
- Week 3 Django
- Week 4 SQL, Models, and Migrations
- Week 5 JavaScript
- Week 6 User Interfaces
- Week 7 Testing CI/CD
- Week 8 Scalability and Security
- Seminars
- Final Project
More information here.
Project 1: Google Clone 👉 Live Demo
Project 2: Wikipedia Clone View Demo
Project 3: eBay Clone View Demo
Project 4: Gmail Clone View Demo
Project 5: Twitter Clone View Demo
Final Project: Personal Blog View Demo