Visualizing how Red Riding Hood stories evolved based on the paper - The Phylogeny of Little Red Riding Hood by Dr. Jamshid J. Tehrani.
- D3 Path
- D3 Sankey
- Scrollytelling
Here, I'm visualizing the time line of various folklores that travelled through Europe and Asia since the first century to form what we know today as the Red Riding Hood tales. Also visualized, is how each story differ or resemble in terms of number of characters, species of the characters, and other such story elements.
Data collated from the paper
I have created the timeline paths using Quadratic Bezier Curve.
- Code for scrolling section referred from here
- Inspiration and reference from Measles Outbreak Visualization by Adam Pearce (Bloomberg)
Code for sankey chart referred from here
Reference for text wrapping from here