Welcome to the Amazon Prime User Data Analysis project! This repository contains an in-depth analysis of Amazon Prime user data. Below, you'll find all the necessary information to understand, explore, and expand this project.
- Goal: Analyze Amazon Prime user data to uncover insights on usage patterns, popular content, user demographics, and engagement levels.
- Data Source: The dataset includes anonymized Amazon Prime user interaction data, covering content views, user demographics, and engagement metrics.
- Methods Used: Data preprocessing, visualization, and statistical analysis using Python and libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib/Seaborn for plotting insights.
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Detailed data cleaning, handling missing values, and data transformation.
- Uncover trends, popular genres, user engagement metrics, and more.
- Visualizations:
- Interactive and static visualizations of user demographics, usage patterns, and popular content.
- Heatmaps, bar charts, line graphs, and user segmentation visuals.
- Insights & Conclusions:
- Key takeaways on user preferences and content popularity.
- Recommendations for data-driven decision-making.
To get started with the project on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/Amazon-Prime-User-Data-Analysis.git
Install required libraries: Ensure you have Python installed, and then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Jupyter Notebook: Launch the Jupyter Notebook to explore the data and code:
jupyter notebook "Amazon Prime User Data Analysis.ipynb"
- Python 🐍
- Jupyter Notebook 📒
- Pandas & NumPy for data manipulation
- Matplotlib & Seaborn for data visualization
- Scikit-learn for potential machine learning analyses
- Data: Contains the Amazon Prime user dataset used for analysis (ensure data privacy and compliance).
- Notebooks: Jupyter Notebook(s) with all steps of the analysis.
- Images: Generated images and plots for insights.
- Enhanced Analysis: Further drill down into specific user segments for targeted insights.
- Machine Learning Models: Predict user preferences based on past behavior.
- Dashboard Integration: Build an interactive dashboard with Tableau or Power BI for a real-time view.
Have suggestions to improve this project? Feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request!