Computer Science Department, University of Crete
- Chania, Greece
A CCSDS telemetry packet decoding library based on the XTCE packet format description standard.
GitHub Repository for iotSDR open source material
An audio effect processor for PipeWire and PulseAudio clients
The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework
Lecture notes for FYS-2006 Signal Processing
ULX2S / ULX3S FPGA JTAG programmer & tools (Lattice XP2 / ECP5)
🌎 sgp4 orbit propagation library for modern c++11
💻 C++ Functional Terminal User Interface. ❤️
20 pin SWD/JTAG J-Link to 10 pin (0.1" and 0.05") reconfigurable Cortex-M header with power supply and TagConnect compatibility. (Info about about J-Link Commander and Segger RTT is also given.)
Lattice ice40 up5k Raspberry Pi hat designed for using the secondary memory interface (SMI)
High performance narrow-band receiver. Most of the important parts are fabbed in the US. The superH is a 480MHz STM32H743 based SDR capable of decoding advanced protocols such as P25 without a host…
TF Lite demo on LiteX/VexRiscv soft RISC-V SoC on a Digilent Arty board
Convert KiCAD PCB files to models for import in openEMS
A Qt-based signal (especially the IQ signal collected from any SDR) viewing/editing tool. Suitable for large datasets (> 200 Mb). Low memory usage and fast speed even with large data volumes.
The CAT Board is a Raspberry Pi HAT with a Lattice iCE40HX FPGA.
Multi-architecture readsb-protobuf container with support for RTLSDR, bladeRF and plutoSDR (x86_64, arm32v7, arm64v8)
Debug and parallel trace hardware for CORTEX-M (FPGA + support code)
Netmaker makes networks with WireGuard. Netmaker automates fast, secure, and distributed virtual networks.
A low cost LoRa mesh network using STM32 and the SX1276
Post-processing of linker output to calculate and visualize memory usage for elf-sections
aircrack-ng / rtl8812au
Forked from astsam/rtl8812auRTL8812AU/21AU and RTL8814AU driver with monitor mode and frame injection
Scripts to install and update the UniFi controller alongside Pihole
A library for interactive command line interfaces in modern C++
communication between python and cpp using zeromq and protobuf