#Network Discovery Library in Java
A network scanning library in Java for discovering IP camras, includes IP scan, port scan, UPnP device discovery, ONVIF discovery and additional camera discovery for thumbnail and defaults(username, password, URLs). See the flow diagram for more logical details.
The entire Evercam codebase is open source, see details: http://www.evercam.io/open-source. We'd love to see your pull requests!
For any bugs and discussions, please use Github Issues.
Any questions or suggestions around Evercam, drop us a line: http://www.evercam.io/contact
##Usage Directly add the jar file to the classpath, Java doc will be associated with it as well. (The default jar file does not contain dependencies)
##Examples Scan local network, find camera devices with options of including camera thumbnail and defaults or not, and return all discovered camera details(IP address, internal & external HTTP & RTSP ports, MAC address, vendor, model, thumbmnail, default username, password and URLs), currently only work for Android.
import io.evercam.network.*;
EvercamDiscover evercamDiscover = new EvercamDiscover()
.withThumbnail(true) //Include thumbnail URL or not
.withDefaults(true); //Include camera defaults or not
//Discover all cameras
ScanRange scanRange = new ScanRange("", //router IP
""); //subnet mask
ArrayList<DiscoveredCameras> cameraList = evercamDiscover.discoverAllAndroid(scanRange);
Alternatively, you can scan for specific device details seperately:
//Discover all active IP address in local network
IpScan ipScan = new IpScan(new ScanResult(){
public void onActiveIp(String ip)
//Do what you want to the active IP address
//Check a MAC address is camera vendor or not,
Vendor vendor = EvercamQuery.getCameraVendorByMac("11:22:33");
if(vendor != null)
//is a camera vendor
//Scan active ports by IP adress
PortScan portScan = new PortScan(new PortScanResult(){
public void onPortActive(int port, int type)
//Do what you want to the active port
//Discover UPnP devices in local network with device callback
UpnpDiscovery upnpDiscovery = new UpnpDiscovery(new UpnpResult(){
public void onUpnpDeviceFound(UpnpDevice upnpDevice)
//Do what you want to the UPnP device
ArrayList<UpnpDevice> deviceList = upnpDiscovery.getUpnpDevices();
//Retrieve NAT table
GatewayDevice gatewayDevice = new GatewayDevice("");
ArrayList<NatMapEntry> mapEntries = gatewayDevice.getNatTableArray();
//ONVIF discovery
new OnvifDiscovery(){
public void onActiveOnvifDevice(DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera)