Blood Donation Management System is a browser based system that is designed to store, process, retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative management, retrieval of donors information and becoming a donor within a blood bank.
- MySQL database
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
- XAMPP Server
Install XAMPP
Open XAMPP Control panel and start [apache] and [mysql] .
Clone this project.
git clone
Extract files in C:\xampp\htdocs.
Open link localhost/phpmyadmin
Create a new database and give the name as bbdms and click on create button.
Import the sql file located in the directory bloodbank/sqlfile/bbdms.sql
Open any browser and type http://localhost/bloodbank/bbdms/index.php to open the User panel.
Open any browser and type http://localhost/bloodbank/admin/ to open the Admin Login Panel.
Login Credentials
Username = admin
Password = 123456789
1. Home Page

2. About Us Page

- Become A Donor Page

- Become a Donor, Search for Donor Pages

- Contact Us Query Page

1. Admin Panel Login


3.Add Donor Page

4.Donor List Page

5.Manage Contact Us Query Page

6.Manage Pages Data

7.Update Contact Info Page