iKUN Keeps Users away from low-level implementatioNs.
ikun-485 makes it easier to use 485 as a console. 😎
* tx_pin: switch rx/tx mode.
* tx_lvl: choose high/low level for tx. 1=high, 0=low.
* tx_dly: delay for a little while after switching to tx mode. (typically 10us.)
ik485_device_t *ik485_create(const char *ik485_name, const char *serial_name,
rt_base_t tx_pin, rt_int32_t tx_lvl, rt_int32_t tx_dly);
rt_err_t ik485_delete(ik485_device_t *ik485);
#define RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME "ik485"
ik485_create(RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME, "uart1", GET_PIN(A, 0), 1, 10);