This is a Rails-based workflow service that replaced SDR's Java-based workflow service. It is consumed by the users of dor-workflow-client (argo, hydra_etd, pre-assembly, dor-indexing-app, dor-services-app, robots, technical-metadata-service, sdr-api, was-registar-app, preservation-catalog) and soon the goobi application (currently proxying through dor-services-app).
The workflows are defined by xml templates which are stored in config/workflows. The templates define a dependency graph. When all prerequisites for a step are complete, the step is marked as "queued" and a corresponding job is pushed into Sidekiq. Some steps are are marked skip-queue="true"
which means they are merely logged events and do not kick off a Sidekiq process.
When a workflow step is set to done, the service calculates which workflow steps are ready to be worked on and enqueues Sidekiq jobs for them. The queues are named for the workflow and priority. For example:
The credentials for SideKiq Pro must be set on your laptop (e.g., in .bash_profile
): export BUNDLE_GEMS__CONTRIBSYS__COM=xxxx:xxxx
You can get this value from the servers, just SSH into one of the app servers and echo the value:
Build the production image:
docker build -t suldlss/workflow-server:latest .
$ docker compose up -d
$ docker compose stop app
$ rake db:setup
$ rails s
[ -------- ]
If you want to connect to the container:
$ docker ps (to retrieve the container id)
$ docker exec -it (container id) /bin/sh
You need to be running the postgres database. One of the easiest ways is to use the docker-compose db via separate terminal window:
docker compose up db
The first time you run tests, you may need to run this before the tests (from another terminal window):
RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rake db:setup
To run tests:
bundle exec rspec
To shut down postgres afterwards,
- cntl-C in your existing docker-compose terminal window.
docker compose down
GET /objects/:druid/lifecycle
- Returns the milestones in the lifecycle that have been completed
POST /objects/:druid/versionClose
- Set all versioningWF steps to 'complete' and starts a new accessionWF unless create-accession=false
is passed as a parameter.
These methods deal with the workflow for a single object
POST /objects/:druid/workflows/:workflow
GET /objects/:druid/workflows
GET /objects/:druid/workflows/:workflow
DELETE /objects/:druid/workflows/:workflow
These methods deal with a single step for a single object
PUT /objects/:druid/workflows/:workflow/:process
GET /objects/:druid/workflows/:workflow/:process
Return the list of workflow templates
GET /workflow_templates
Return the list of steps for the given workflow template
GET /workflow_templates/:workflow
These processes are used by robot-master to discover which steps need to be performed.
GET /workflow_queue/lane_ids
GET /workflow_queue/all_queued
GET /workflow_queue
If a workflow or workflows for a particular object require data to be persisted and available between steps, workflow variables can be set. These are per object/version pair and thus available to any step in any workflow for a given version of an object once set.
These data are not persisted in Cocina, and are not preserved or available outside of the workflow-service, so they should only be used to persist information used during workflow processing.
To use, pass in a "context" parameter as JSON in the body of the request when creating a workflow (and set content type to application/json). The json can contain any number of key/value pairs of context:
POST /objects/:druid/workflows/:workflow?version=Y
This context will then be returned as JSON in each process
block of the XML response containing workflow data, e.g. GET /objects/:druid/workflows
for use in processing.
This can be used if a user selects an option in Pre-assembly or Argo that needs to be passed through the accessioning pipeline, such as if OCR or captioning is required. The value is set when creating the workflow, and then available to each robot which needs it.
Logs are located in /var/log/httpd