Web scraper for NHS UK Covid vaccination appointments.
- Automatically search for appointments every X seconds
- Email alerts if appointments available within specific distance
- Booking mode, to quickly get to the make booking page
- Writes results to log file
This is a python3 script, you also require the correct ChromeDriver.exe for your installed version of Chrome which can be downloaded from here:
Unzip the EXE into the same folder as the script.
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit the peronsal, alert and email settings in the top of the script to required values.
To run in standard mode which will continuously loop and scrape appointments:
python nhs.py
To run in booking mode which will perform one search and leave the browser visible on screen:
python nhs.py --booking
Standard Mode
Booking Mode
Does not support the queuing system at peak times.
Not currently tested under Linux although should work.