A PHP Class that reads JSON file as a database. Use for sample DBs.
Install package composer require jajo/jsondb
use Jajo\JSONDB;
$json_db = new JSONDB( __DIR__ ); // Or passing the directory of your json files with no trailing slash, default is the current directory. E.g. new JSONDB( '/var/www/html/json_files' )
Insert into your new JSON file. Using users.json as example here. use flag true for autmatic id,, it generate a unique field named 'uid'
NB: Columns inserted first will be the only allowed column on other inserts
$json_db->insert( 'users.json',
'name' => 'Thomas',
'state' => 'Nigeria',
'age' => 22
Get back data, just like MySQL in PHP
$users = $json_db->select( '*' )
->from( 'users.json' )
print_r( $users );
$users = $json_db->select( 'name, state' )
->from( 'users.json' )
print_r( $users );
This WHERE works as AND Operator at the moment or OR
$users = $json_db->select( 'name, state' )
->from( 'users.json' )
->where( [ 'name' => 'Thomas' ] )
print_r( $users );
// Defaults to Thomas OR Nigeria
$users = $json_db->select( 'name, state' )
->from( 'users.json' )
->where( [ 'name' => 'Thomas', 'state' => 'Nigeria' ] )
print_r( $users );
// Now is THOMAS AND Nigeria
$users = $json_db->select( 'name, state' )
->from( 'users.json' )
->where( [ 'name' => 'Thomas', 'state' => 'Nigeria' ], 'AND' )
print_r( $users );
Thanks to Tarun Shanker for this feature. By passing the order_by()
method, the result is sorted with 2 arguments of the column name and sort method - JSONDB::ASC
$users = $json_db->select( 'name, state' )
->from( 'users.json' )
->where( [ 'name' => 'Thomas' ] )
->order_by( 'age', JSONDB::ASC )
print_r( $users );
You can also update same JSON file with these methods
$json_db->update( [ 'name' => 'Oji', 'age' => 10 ] )
->from( 'users.json' )
->where( [ 'name' => 'Thomas' ] )
Without the where() method, it will update all rows
->from( 'users.json' )
->where( [ 'name' => 'Thomas' ] )
Without the where() method, it will deletes all rows
You can export the JSON back to SQL file by using this method and providing an output
$json_db->to_mysql( 'users.json', 'users.sql' );
$json_db->to_mysql( 'users.json', 'users.sql', false );
Tarun Shanker also provided a feature to export data to an XML file
if( $json_db->to_xml( 'users.json', 'users.xml' ) ) {
echo 'Saved!';