A library for reading Hunspell Dictionary files
This reader can be used as a tool for converting Hunspell files into a simple text file with one word per line.
npm install -g hunspell-reader
It has basic command line help.
hunspell-reader words --help
Usage: words [options] <hunspell_dic_file>
Output all the words in the <hunspell.dic> file.
-h, --help output usage information
-o, --output <file> output file - defaults to stdout
-s, --sort sort the list of words
-u, --unique make sure the words are unique.
-i, --ignore_case used with --unique and --sort
-l, --lower_case output in lower case
-T, --no-transform Do not apply the prefix and suffix transforms. Root words only.
To convert a Hunspell dictionary to a word list, you will need both the .dic
and .aff
For example en_US comes with two files: en_US.dic
and en_US.aff
This tool assumes they are both in the same directory.
Assuming these files are in the current directory, the following command will write the words
to en_US.txt
hunspell-reader words ./en_US.dic -o en_US.txt
install -S hunspell-reader rxjs
Note: the reader uses rxjs 5.0.
Typescript / Javascript:
import { HunspellReader } from 'hunspell-reader';
const baseFile = 'en_US';
const dicFile = baseFile + '.dic';
const affFile = baseFile + '.aff';
// Initialize the reader with the Hunspell files
const reader = new HunspellReader(affFile, dicFile);
// Get the words as an array
const promiseArrayOfWords = reader.readWords().toArray().toPromise();