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POC about implementing a Next.js 15 / React 19 monorepo with Turbo and Storybook.

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POC React / Next.js monorepo with Turbo & Storybook


  • We want to share components between applications
  • We want to manage dependencies efficiently
  • (We want to develop components in isolation)

Environment / stack

  • Node.js 20.18.0
  • npm 10.8.2
  • Typescript 5
  • Next.js 15
  • React 19
  • Joy UI 5.0.0-beta.51
  • Turbo 2.3.3
  • Storybook 8.4.7

Project architecture

├── apps
│   └── my-app
│       ├── package.json
│       ├── tsconfig.json
│       └── src
│           └── app
│               └── page.tsx
├── packages
│   ├── tools                     # Shared utilities and tools
│   │   ├── package.json
│   │   └── src
│   │       └── index.ts
│   └── ui
│       ├── components
│       │   ├── package.json
│       │   ├── .storybook       # Storybook configuration
│       │   │   ├── main.ts
│       │   │   └── preview.ts
│       │   └── src
│       │       ├── stories      # Component stories
│       │       │   ├── Button.stories.tsx
│       │       │   └── Introduction.mdx
│       │       └── button.component.tsx
│       └── hooks                # Shared React hooks
│           ├── package.json
│           └── src
│               └── index.ts
├── turbo.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json

Quick start

Put in place turbo.json file at the root of the project:

  "tasks": {
    "dev": {
      "cache": false
    "build": {
      "outputs": [
    "lint": {},
    "test": {}

For each package or application you want to create, just create a new folder in the packages or apps directory and add it to the workspaces array in the global package.json file.

In example, to create a new package, just run the following command:

npm create package@latest packages/[my-package-name]

To create a new application, run the following command:

npm create app@latest apps/[my-app-name]

To add a new package to the global package.json file, run the following command:

npm add [@monorepo/path]

Shared dependencies are managed by npm workspaces.

At the root of the project, you can use the following Turbo commands:

  • npm run dev to run the development server
  • npm run build to build the application
  • npm run lint to lint the application

To build and run the application, run the following commands:

npm run build
cd apps/my-app
npm run start



  • Current implementation is using npm workspaces.
  • Ideally use pnpm which is faster and more efficient to manage dependencies.


  • Simple to setup and to use
  • Efficient to manage dependencies
    • Workspaces allow to share components between applications
    • Workspaces allow to manage dependencies
  • Efficient to scale on the same stack using the same tools
    • Add new applications
    • Add new packages
    • Add new development tools


  • A little bit more of work at CI/CD level



  • Efficient to develop components in isolation
  • Facilitates testing components


  • Feeling of rewriting Joy UI, except for the components that will be customized
  • Additional work to setup and maintainStorybook


turbo and npm/pnpm workspaces look like the right tools for the job considering the context.

  • If you plan to scale and to develop many applications on the same stack, you should consider this monorepo approach.
  • If you plan to develop a single application, you should not use this monorepo approach and just refer to a well organized project in a single repository.

Storybook is a good tool to develop components in isolation.

The pain / gain balance to use Storybook in the context of a project using Joy UI is less interesting, except if you plan to extends more strongly the Joy UI library.


POC about implementing a Next.js 15 / React 19 monorepo with Turbo and Storybook.






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