Simple image modal gallery pure vanilla.js.
> $ npm install kbox --save
In your HTML page, between tags, retrieve styles:
<link href="css/kbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
And link kbox pack script (contains velocity.js and kbox.js as packaged solution) :
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/kbox.pack.min.js"></script>
Puts the kbox class on the links where you will place your images, and replace data attributes values with your own values :
<a class="kbox" data-kbox="Travels"> <img src="url-to-your-img.jpg" alt="" /> <a>
Note the data-kbox attribute, which determine the gallery collection of the picture.
An then, invoke the plugin :
Kbox display interface text contents in the following languages : french, english, dutch, german, italian, spanish, polish and russian.
If your language is not supported, create your own locale file and do a pull request !
Kbox uses velocity.js to display progressive animations.
Kbox uses also hody-icons font icon, packaged into the project.
Following options are available :
- lang: string, lang catalog to use
- animationSpeed: int, speed of the transition animation (ms)
- keyboard: boolean, using keyboard navigation
- titles: boolean, display titles attributes
- afterOpening: function(e), function, callback fired after modal opening
- afterTransition: function(e), function, callback fired after image display transition
- afterClosing: function(e), function, callback fired after modal closing