The whole system include back-end and front-end module based on our requirements(PDF file).
- Back-end (ums)
- maven 3.x
- based on maven modules building, the main "pom.xml" is located at the root of the project
- mainly used command: "mvn clean" | "mvn package" | "mvn install"
- maven 3.x
- Front-end (ums-ui)
- based on ruoyi framework(VueJs), refactored some features including UI, router, and etc.
- mainly use npm command to get started
1. cd ums-ui 2. npm install or npm install --registry= 3. npm run dev 4. http://localhost:80 user register: http://localhost/register user login: http://localhost/login
- PostgreSQL:11-alpine
docker pull postgres:11-alpine
- Redis:6.2.6
docker pull redis:6.2.6
- Docker compose (unnecessary)
- time always is not enough :) so I decided to implement the docker deployment in the next stage.
- User register
- the client can register a member by himself on the URL "http://localhost/register"
- admin users also can add users directly in the dashboard. When a user was added, a verification email would be sent by UMS.
- The user can find the login link in the email, once a new member logs on to our system, he only can modify his profile at the profile section.
- User login
- user can log on to our system on the URL "http://localhost/login"
- Role & Authorization
- The main design follows the RBAC principal, "user -> role -> resources" model.
- use Spring security to ensure all of our rest controllers can be accessed by authorization
- currently, we have two roles "admin" and "user".
- APIs
- introduced SwaggerUI to help us implement the API documents. you can easily find it on the dashboard.
- use standard JWT filter to ensure all the requests from client side safety.
- when a user logs on to our system, he will receive a valid token for his browser.
- Liquibase
- when springboot starts, it will create some tables in the PostgreSQL automatically, which can allow the UMS to load demo data.
- Docker deployment (on going)