This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 15, 2021. It is now read-only.
- Add cassandra authentication support
- Support MySQL caching_sha2_password authentication (default for MySQL 8)
- Use os.homedir to find user home directory (instead of hand-rolled implementation)
- Add function to database clients to get version of currently connected client
- Replace usage of deprecated createCipher / createDecipher with createCipheriv / createDecipheriv
- Add official support for MySQL 8 and Postgresql 12
- Add official support for cassandra 2.x and 3.10+
- Add official support for MariaDB 10.1+
- Add official support for Node 10 and 12 for sqlectron-core
- Fix querying information_schema table on MySQL 8 returning results in different casing than prior versions
- Fix not being able to specify socket without a port
- Use ordinal_position to order column listing in postgresql, sqlserver, and mysql instead of relying on row ordering
- Fix truncateAllTables for sqlserver not first disabling foreign key constraints
- Fix client validator not properly rejecting invalid clients
- Fix sqlserver client breaking if using a CS collation
- Update mkdirp to ^0.5.2 (security)
- Move from mysql to mysql2 (better support for mysql 8)
- Update pg to ^7.18.0
- Update sqlite3 to ^4.0.6
- Move from valida to valida2
- Update babel to ^7.8.4
- Update eslint to ^4.19.1
- Update chai to ^4.2.0
- Update babel-eslint to ^10.1.0
- Update eslint-config-airbnb-base to ^11.3.2
- Update mocha to ^6.2.3
- Add nyc to get test coverage
- Update sinon to ^7.5.0
- Replace appveyor with GitHub actions
- Add automated testing for cassandra