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Updates test-cases with two new testing methods
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joshkunz committed Mar 31, 2015
1 parent 697e237 commit 3d4abc0
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 98 deletions.
254 changes: 156 additions & 98 deletions proj3/test-cases
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(require "../lib/common.rkt")
(require "../lib/term-colors.rkt")
(require "../lib/diff.rkt")
(require "../lib/error.rkt")
(require (prefix-in spec: "spec-check.rkt"))

(define (file-split f)
(let* ([file (file-name-from-path f)]
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[else `(,input fails)])))

(define (tests-in-dir dir)
(map (curry test-for-name dir)
(map name-for-test-file
(filter path/py?
(directory-list dir #:build? #t)))))
(filter path/py? (directory-list dir #:build? #t)))

(define (valid-binary? b)
(and (file-exists? b)
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(eprintf "~a: ~a\n" *error*
(string-join lines (string-append "\n" *lead-space*)))))

(define (check-binary name path)
(unless (valid-binary? path)
(format "~a binary \"~a\" does not exist or is not executable.\n"
(path->string path)))
(exit 1)))

(define parse-args
(let ([no-diff? (make-parameter #f)])
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["--no-diff" ("Don't use the unix diff utility, just print out the "
"expected and received outputs.")
(no-diff? #t)]
#:args (pylex pyparse bin test-dir)
#:args (pylex pyparse sxpy bin test-dir)
(unless (no-diff?)
(when (not (find-executable-path "diff"))
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(let ([test-dir-path (fix-path test-dir)]
[bin-path (fix-path bin)]
[pyparse-path (fix-path pyparse)]
[pylex-path (fix-path pylex)])
[sxpy-path (fix-path sxpy)]
[pylex-path (fix-path pylex)]
[python3-path (find-executable-path "python3")])
(when (not python3-path)
(error-msg "Couldn't find `python3` in your path.")
(exit 1))
(unless (directory-exists? test-dir-path)
(eprintf "Test directory \"~a\" doesn't exist.\n"
(path->string test-dir-path))
(exit 1))
(unless (valid-binary? pylex-path)
(format "pylex binary \"~a\" does not exist or is not executable.\n"
(path->string pylex-path)))
(exit 1))
(unless (valid-binary? pyparse-path)
(format "pyparse binary \"~a\" does not exist or is not executable.\n"
(path->string pyparse-path)))
(exit 1))
(unless (valid-binary? bin-path)
(format "pydesugar1 binary \"~a\" does not exist or is not executable.\n"
(path->string bin-path)))
(exit 1))
(list (no-diff?) pylex-path pyparse-path bin-path (tests-in-dir test-dir-path)))))))
(check-binary "pylex" pylex-path)
(check-binary "pyparse" pyparse-path)
(check-binary "sxpy" sxpy-path)
(check-binary "pydesugar1" bin-path)
(list (no-diff?) python3-path
pylex-path pyparse-path sxpy-path bin-path
(tests-in-dir test-dir-path)))))))

(define (list-split l on [cur '()])
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(begin0 (port->list read p)
(close-input-port p))))

(define (matches?/fails proc)
(list (not (= (hash-ref proc 'status) 0)) 'nothing))

(define (matches?/file proc file)
(let ([expected-sexp (file->sexp file)])
(list (with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (thunk* #f)])
(equal? expected-sexp
(bytes->sexp (hash-ref proc 'stdout))))

(struct exn:fail:timeout exn:fail (timeout)
#:extra-constructor-name make-exn:fail:timeout

(define-syntax-rule (begin/timeout timeout body ...)
(let* ([ch (make-channel)])
(thunk (channel-put ch
(with-handlers ([(thunk* #t) (lambda (x) (list 'error x))])
(list 'success (begin body ...))))))
(match (sync/timeout timeout ch)
[#f (raise (make-exn:fail:timeout
(format "Timeout after ~a s" timeout)
[`(error ,what) (raise what)]
[`(success ,r) r])))
(define (formatted-bytes b)
(if (bytes=? b #"")
(list #t #"")
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (thunk* (list #f b))])
(list #t (sexp->bytes (bytes->sexp b))))))

(define (sexp->bytes s)
(pretty-format s)))

(define (proc-success? p [success-code 0])
(= (hash-ref p 'status) success-code))

(define (sexp-bytes->py-bytes sxpy b)
(let* ([sexp-out (open-input-bytes b)]
[proc (run sxpy #:input sexp-out)])
(close-input-port sexp-out)
(when (not (proc-success? proc)) (raise 'sxpy-exit))
(hash-ref proc 'stdout)))

(define (matches?/spec proc)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (thunk* '(#f unreadable))])
(match-let ([(list passed? edited)
(spec:in-spec?/edit (bytes->sexp (hash-ref proc 'stdout)))])
(list passed? 'good edited))))

(define *matches-tmp-fmt* "matches-tmp.~a")
(define (matches?/python python3 sxpy input proc [timeout 15])
(with-handlers ([(curry eq? 'sxpy-exit) (thunk* '(#f unreadable))])
(let* ([tmp-file (make-temporary-file *matches-tmp-fmt*)]
[tmp-out (open-output-file tmp-file #:exists 'truncate)])
(write-bytes (sexp-bytes->py-bytes sxpy (hash-ref proc 'stdout)) tmp-out)
(close-output-port tmp-out)
(thunk* (error-msg "Your desugared python code failed to terminate before the "
"timeout. This is likely because a desugaring error is "
"causing an inifinte loop.")
(exit 1))])
(begin/timeout timeout
(let ([py-orig (run python3 input)]
[py-after (run python3 (path->string tmp-file))])
(list (and (proc-success? py-orig)
(proc-success? py-after)
(bytes=? (hash-ref py-orig 'stdout)
(hash-ref py-after 'stdout)))

(define (bin-proc-for-input pylex pyparse bin in [timeout 15])
(begin/timeout timeout
Expand All @@ -163,16 +188,11 @@
(begin0 (run bin #:input par-input)
(close-input-port par-input)))))))))))

(define (check-case pylex pyparse bin case)
(match-let* ([(list input output) case]
[input-port (open-input-file input)]
[proc (bin-proc-for-input pylex pyparse bin
(define (check-case python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin case)
(let* ([input-port (open-input-file case)]
[proc (bin-proc-for-input pylex pyparse bin input-port)])
(close-input-port input-port)
(cons proc
(match output
['fails (matches?/fails proc)]
[`(matches-file ,file) (matches?/file proc file)]))))
(list proc (matches?/spec proc) (matches?/python python3 sxpy case proc))))

(define *failure* (color "FAILURE" 'red))
(define *success* (color "SUCCESS" 'green))
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(define *expected* (color "expected" 'white))
(define *got* (color "got" 'white))
(define *diff* (color "diff" 'white))
(define *check* "test")

; ---> Exceptional Errors
(define *not-sexp* (color "Not an S-Expression" 'yellow))
(define *nothing* (color "Nothing" 'yellow))

(define (sexp->bytes s)
(pretty-format s)))

(define (formatted-bytes b)
(if (bytes=? b #"")
(list #t #"")
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (thunk* (list #f b))])
(list #t (sexp->bytes (bytes->sexp b))))))

(define (display-maybe-nothing-bytes b)
(if (bytes=? b #"")
(displayln *nothing*)
(begin (newline) (displayln b))))

(define (run-test-case diff? pylex pyparse bin case)
(match-let ([case-name (car (file-split (car case)))]
[(list proc passes? expected) (check-case pylex pyparse bin case)])
(define (diff-maybe/bytes diff? ba bb)
(if (and diff? (not (and (bytes=? ba #"") (bytes=? bb #""))))
(begin (printf " ~a ->\n" *diff*)
(display (diff/bytes ba bb)))
(begin (printf " ~a -> " *expected*)
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes ba)
(printf " ~a -> " *got*)
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes bb))))

(define (display-proc-err name proc)
(printf " ~a/~a -> ~a\n" name *exit*
(let* ([code (hash-ref proc 'status)]
[code/s (format "~a" code)])
(if (= code 0) (color code/s 'green)
(color code/s 'red))))
(printf " ~a/~a -> " name *stderr*)
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes (hash-ref proc 'stderr)))

(define (diff-maybe diff? proc sexp)
(match-let ([(list could-format? formatted-stdout)
(formatted-bytes (hash-ref proc 'stdout))])
(if (and diff? could-format? (not (bytes=? formatted-stdout #"")))
(begin (printf " ~a ->\n" *diff*)
(display (diff/bytes (sexp->bytes sexp) formatted-stdout)))
(begin (printf " ~a -> " *expected*)
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes (sexp->bytes sexp))
(printf " ~a -> " *got*)
; could-format? is never true when stdout is empty
(when (not could-format?) (display *not-sexp*))
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes formatted-stdout)))))

(define (display-sexp-match diff? proc passed? payload)
(printf " ~a: ~a\n" *check*
(color "Is Modified AST" (if passed? 'green 'red)))
(when (not passed?)
(printf " ~a -> " (color "AST" 'white))
(match payload
(displayln *not-sexp*)
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes (hash-ref proc 'stdout))]
[`(good ,edited) (newline) (diff-maybe diff? proc edited)])))

(define (display-python-match diff? proc passed? payload)
(printf " ~a: ~a\n" *check*
(color "Pre/Post Output Equivalent" (if passed? 'green 'red)))
(when (not passed?)
(match payload
(printf " ~a -> ~a\n" (color "output" 'white)
(color "Not a valid AST S-Expression" 'yellow))
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes (hash-ref proc 'stdout))]
[`(good ,orig ,after)
(display-proc-err "original" orig)
(display-proc-err "desugared" after)
(diff-maybe/bytes diff? (hash-ref orig 'stdout) (hash-ref after 'stdout))])))

(define (run-test-case diff? python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin case)
(match-let* ([case-name (car (file-split case))]
[(list proc (list passed?/sexp sexp-rest ...)
(list passed?/python py-rest ...))
(check-case python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin case)]
[passes? (and passed?/sexp passed?/python)])
(printf "~a: ~a\n" (if passes? *success* *failure*) case-name)
(when (not passes?)
(printf " ~a -> ~a\n" *exit*
(let* ([code (hash-ref proc 'status)]
[code/s (format "~a" code)])
(if (= code 0) (color code/s 'green)
(color code/s 'red))))
(printf " ~a -> " *stderr*)
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes (hash-ref proc 'stderr))
(match-let ([(list could-format? formatted-stdout)
(formatted-bytes (hash-ref proc 'stdout))])
(if (and diff? could-format? (not (eq? expected 'nothing))
(not (bytes=? formatted-stdout #"")))
(begin (printf " ~a ->\n" *diff*)
(display (diff/bytes (sexp->bytes expected) formatted-stdout)))
(begin (printf " ~a -> " *expected*)
(if (eq? expected 'nothing) #"" (sexp->bytes expected)))
(printf " ~a -> " *got*)
; could-format? is never true when stdout is empty
(when (not could-format?) (display *not-sexp*))
(display-maybe-nothing-bytes formatted-stdout)))))
(display-proc-err "pydesugar1" proc)
(display-sexp-match diff? proc passed?/sexp sexp-rest)
(display-python-match diff? proc passed?/python py-rest))

(define (run-test-case/safe diff? pylex pyparse bin case)
(define (run-test-case/safe diff? python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin case)
(define (sym-handler sym)
(match sym
['pylex-exit (error-msg "pylex exited with a non-zero status. You may want "
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"( describes how to use the "
"reference pyparse.")
(exit 1)]
['sxpy-exit (error-msg "sxpy exited with a non-zero status. This should "
"never happen. Please mail the class mailing list or "
"[email protected] with details.")
(exit 1)]
[e (error e)]))
(with-handlers ([symbol? sym-handler]
(error-msg "pyparse (or pylex) didn't exit after 15 seconds."
"This is likely because of an infinite loop bug "
"in pyparse.")
(error-msg "pydesugar1, pyparse, or pylex didn't exit after "
"15 seconds. This is likely because of an infinite "
"loop bug in pydesugar1.")
(exit 1))])
(run-test-case diff? pylex pyparse bin case)))
(run-test-case diff? python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin case)))

;Make sure we use `write` for pretty print
(print-as-expression #f)
(match-let ([(list no-diff? pylex pyparse bin cases)
(match-let ([(list no-diff? python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin cases)
(parse-args (current-command-line-arguments))])
(let* ([results (map (curry run-test-case/safe
(not no-diff?) pylex pyparse bin) cases)]
(not no-diff?) python3 pylex pyparse sxpy bin) cases)]
[case-count (length cases)]
[fail-count (count not results)])
(if (= 0 fail-count)
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