UPDATE: Standard mlflow supports authentication since 2023. Consider using that instead of this project. See the official documentation at https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/auth/index.html
mlflow before version 2.5.0 (July 2023) did have any authentication for the web-interface. This project adds basic HTTP authentication with a single username, password to the web interface and API. And packages this up in a easy-to-install Docker image.
The simplest configuration uses just a Docker volume for persistence. Alternatively one can configure Google Cloud Storage as the artifact store, and Heroku Postgres as the tracking store.
It should be easy to deploy to most Docker providers, such as Dokku, Fly.io, Heroku, Amazon ECS, Docker Cloud Run, DigitalOcean App Platform, et.c.
Pull requests are welcome to fix compatibility issues.
RARELY USED. Not actively maintained!
- Very infrequent updates.
- Not really checking issues
Licensed under Apache 2.0, as mlflow itself.
Clone this git repo
git clone https://github.com/soundsensing/mlflow-easyauth.git
cd mlflow-easyauth
Build the image
docker build -t mlflow-easyauth:latest .
Create a .env file with settings
cat <<EOT >> settings.env
Create a Docker volume for persistence
docker volume create my-mlflow-server-volume
Run it
docker run -it -p 8001:6000 --mount source=my-mlflow-server-volume,target=/mlruns --env-file=settings.env mlflow-easyauth:latest
Configure the client
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:8001
Run some code using the mlflow tracking API. There is an example included in this repo
python3 example.py
Open the web browser and go to your deployed . You should now have runs tracked with metrics being logged.
For more details see official documentation on mlflow tracking integration.
All configuration is done as environment variables. Set them using the preferred method for your Docker host.
Setup PostgeSQL in your preferred way.
Configure the host and credentials using DATABASE_URL
Using Google Cloud Storage.
Create a new or find an existing Google Cloud Storage bucket.
Create a Service Account for API credentials. Download the credentials JSON file.
Add the Service Account to Permissions on the bucket. It needs to have the following roles:
Storage Legacy Bucket Writer
Legacy Bucket Reader
Legacy Object Reader
Modify configuration to
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON="`cat serviceaccount-fa31bc1bbb1d.json`"
This command re-runs all the steps needed to build and run a new version. It is useful when iterating on the Docker files.
docker build -t mlflow-easytracking:latest . && docker run -it -p 8001:6000 --env-file=`pwd`/dev.env mlflow-easytracking:latest bash /app/entry-point.sh
See jordandelbar/mlflow-heroku/ for a fork that focuses on this.