Leaf Septoria is a disease that effects tomato plants quite often.
We used CNN here to detect that disease.
- Rotation by 30 degrees
- Shifting along the width
- Shifting along the height
- Shearing the image
- Horizontal & Vertical flip
- Introducing different lighting conditions
Fill method used: 'nearest'
We have used a Convolutional Neural Network with 3 Convolution and 3 MaxPool layers.
Dropout was introduced in the Dense layers as follows:
- 40% Dropout before Flattening
- 15% Droput before the first hidden layer
- 25% Dropout before the Output layer
Actual Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/emmarex/plantdisease
Download the dataset, from there extract these two files: Tomato_Septoria_leaf_spot, Tomato_healthy
Now, we create train & validation sets manually.
There are 3362 images in total.
So, if you want valid_set size = 0.2 i.e. 20% of the data, then you'll have to select a total of 672 images for the validation set.
- Make a folder valid and 2 other folders Healthy leaf and Septoria Leaf.
- Then we randomly select 312 images from Tomato_healthy folder and move them into Healthy leaf folder.
- We randomly select 360 images from Tomato_Septoria_leaf_spot folder and move them into Septoria Leaf folder.
- Then move the Septoria Leaf & Healthy leaf into the valid folder.
Your validation dataset is complete!
Now, make 2 more folders of the same name: Septoria Leaf & Healthy Leaf
Move the remaining images into the respective folders and place these two folders in a new folder train
Your dataset is complete!
Upload the train and valid data into your Google Drive and mention the paths after the drive is mounted on Google Colab.