Development of Ohana started back in August 2020 with the purpose of improving on existing bots' features and functionalities. Some bots that Ohana was inspired by are MAL, Dyno, Tatsu, Nadeko, Arcane and Hydra.
You can invite Ohana to see what it has to offer using this link.
Below is a guide on how to run Ohana locally, although you should keep a few things in mind:
- This bot uses library and utilizes its commands framework.
- A lot of the code was written while I was still learning Python, therefore you'll find some poorly optimized code and generally not-the-best practices here and there.
- Update: as this is second iteration of the public repo of Ohana, I've had plenty to clean up since the first iteration a year and half ago but there's still room for improvement, so feel free to contribute!
- If you are familiar with Ohana, you'll notice that there are a few behavioural differences. The way I'm running Ohana is a little complex, having multiple deployed instances handling different features. For that reason I decided to simplify things for the public repo, which included removing some features and commands or slightly changing the way they work.
In this guide we'll go over the steps necessary for you to get your bot up and running. I'll try to be as thorough as possible, but it is preferred if you had at least intermediate knowledge in Discord (permissions, role hierarchy, etc.), some experience with an IDE that supports Python, and some familiarity with Python.
Download and install Python 3.10.
If you don't already have an IDE or an editor, I recommend installing PyCharm.
Clone this repository either using the IDE's version control or by just downloading the code as ZIP from above to manually extract and import it into the IDE.
Once you've opened Ohana's code in your editor and finished setting up the interpreter and the venv, you'll need to install all the required libraries. This can be done quickly using the following command line. Paste it into the venv terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Go to the file
from the main directory and read through it. I believe everything there is explained well enough except for the Firebase part, which is explained in step 3 below. Discord bot token is also explained in step 2.
- Go to Discord Developer Portal and log-in if you haven't already
- Create a New Application and give it a name.
- Navigate to Bot tab on the left side of the screen and click Add Bot.
- Scroll down to Privileged Gateway Intents and enable SERVER MEMBERS INTENT and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT.
- Scroll back up and Click to Reveal Token. The token you get must be kept secret, as it is equivalent to your bot's password. Anyone with this token can control your bot as if they own it.
- Take the token and paste it in the
file inside the variable namedBOT_TOKEN
- Go to your Firebase Console and create a new project
- Give it a name, maybe same as your bot's name.
- Once you're in, click Build on the top left side of the screen, then choose Realtime Database.
- Click Create Database, choose the location closest to you, and then keep it in Locked mode.
- After your database is created, click on Rules on the top bar and under "Edit rules" replace the existing text with the following and click publish:
{ "rules": { "users": { "$uid": { ".write": "$uid === auth.uid", ".read": "$uid === auth.uid" } } } }
- Now we need information necessary for the bot to contact the database. To make our following steps clear, take the following piece of code and keep it in a notepad. We will be filling values for
, while the rest will remain empty.FIREBASE_CONFIG = { "databaseURL": "", "serviceAccount": { }, "storageBucket": "", "apiKey": "", "authDomain": "" }
- First we will get
from the data tab, which can be found as in the screenshot below. Copy it and paste it inside the value fordatabaseURL
. - Next we need to get your
. For this you will go to Project Settings (next to Project Overview on the top left), then to Service accounts tab, then you'll click Generate new private key. This will download a JSON file, open it with notepad and copy its content without the starting and ending curly brackets{}
, and paste them inside underserviceAccount
in the file we've been filling. - Your file should now look similar to this:
FIREBASE_CONFIG = { "databaseURL": "", "serviceAccount": { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "testproject-28508", "private_key_id": "1e37386c0f81229758597632c63bc8d04bbec6aa", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIlMtFiqezCpvx7sdFRBAQDfvH0MdKQU2+iq\ngDrnVmNHNjRbFHyJ1p8SaZCGVU2PqQYMYCqj6tR2YJ\nyNm1mryZZjR3swQbtRD0cQ8ExgSpACiaX/iF/j0L6wftIEuJ2VEAtXFz0ewhOZuf\nUy1ABPFs2zgbCHpHdPRHOOGXdbHM+QwOjbbmtuUkOPs+dt+Y9fndyX\ngIIejsEZSafRvvH6pId\nKzhEXtPUS0s1VwaF5E6aLTJZQGE2oT2du+Asfj6ZAbdLhaw0pWBjdluH1WI9z/G4B/lN7JrjdgGD0sri65AXjFgA6WN32\nE19BTS4jAgMBAAECggEAHQ+zVn4tdKApP+xZZQSC72m1B0JJUSlL//rTzBI7TTrw\n2I3uyFU59TGOXUEKmH4j8xj+312/DRbsbseYr87M7J1VTK8DZkNF/oT+TxUW3zTW\nu/v3S2r+AaGibhyciQ0Uw8pOFq/fUSnGgf86QCtkWvkRv62dCFPhQYe\nQKGypDVPYtDs2t/r0LjV6s1PbJUHHrqCFzMT8jvpPmOGR\nEuYXS8j99Mw5Pso5452WpUPw1Kr8bH0XTlUMZE2jFcvpqnssXFvT0\neaMvllOA47eLZ4BNb/KXAENd5tugSG1uLayTE15ccQKBgQD0njXwkIirqVPBLjuB\nCdynMWomFQYTAU1h1dHlDZnmP+ktyqyidCiS6Av5cEop128EOw6JOxUH2RSHkMtb\nAJWSNZjTrxfaOtnIefxk9YWy654RNwQEekQnSyhD5HbIXnHjDdu9CAWeRQAAhj9K\n1f14c8x5sJoRmu7C5BXdkSNCh8j9ixe\nE2zMvgo46G0njl+F/qQ/i2Y1CgNHYUPddmngawrEB1cevQCDznH1WqGz/4QiE4Ok\n+B92sfChIMi6Ozs4Yb0eMbE4hO9upA6xEuILj1t6riwK9pAbXsMoA2rDpQ5FtkdI\nfji/dGVRLwKBgQDQovRMp2n6R+Toup8D8z5g19O6gWn54b13eaCZZZ1i9hXS+a9+\nq+ZDTmmQKccHovjMOfau81Z/qBZLfiMEDh6EYvRjcE6+0j0YMXslPQf4z9+0vSDP\nFN12SjMgnQb25R7r0tEdjG8GS8GxsM7g7F1RVCsNi6QM6gFE+cytarL3bQKBgQCZ\nPBy3/6bFDeTDDR5QQHPwiVvvmbIrjM4Y2l3Z\nr8cWXKhBCMaG7aAhBJBg1s8Db6aV\nyC/bNOS/cwEr45UH9Ipvw1yYYmZl4dxK\nIMkIfLk+fSSZRBw6CNKunST1X9PeHLgMjaNvtT0Pl2PH4\nE7pIaHYh8XmKv/iZNavcvihjgW2hNJ+\nssFT7eM430AvYzY9e9n8hjRs\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "", "client_id": "112420256977677271110", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" }, "storageBucket": "", "apiKey": "", "authDomain": "" }
- Everything in this file is now the value to
variable in
file, so copy and paste it there.
- First we will get
- Follow the
s.- Go to
file and read through it. Make all the changes that you deem necessary. - Go to
file as well and read through it. Make all the changes that you deem necessary. - Go to
file also and read through it. Make all the changes that you deem necessary.
- Go to
- Everything is now ready. Run
and sync your slash commands by sending..sync slashes
in a channel your bot can read. Now give your bot a try ✌️- If you've changed
to something other than..
, then use thesync slashes
command with the prefix you set.
- If you've changed