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Radio Widget

A React component to handle switching between radio stations.


Radio Widget is a React Based Widget that manages radio stations. It is mostly static but can be very dynamic once connected to an Api endpoint and data is passed to the StationBody component using the stations props. Api calls can be made in the getStations and toggleStation actions using redux. The Radio widget is accessibility compliant.


Built With

  • JavaScript, TypeScript, React
  • Hooks, Redux, Redux thunk,
  • Sass, Css modules.
  • Jest, React-testing-library, Jest-axe


Live Demo

Live Demo Link


Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


To run this project, you will need to have node,npm or yarn, TypeScript already installed locally


Clone the project and cd into the directory


run npm install or yarn install to install all the dependencies of the project


run npm start or yarn start to get the project running

open browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/

  • Widget is mostly static - selecting station is the only action available. After selecting station, it toggles the station and displays its name at the bottom of the widget

  • The rest of the buttons are clickable but it will trigger no action.


The styles are written using SASS Module and each React component has a corresponding sass file.

To tweak react components navigate to /src/components

To access related component styles navigate to /src/components/styles

To access global styles navigate to /src/index.css

Running Tests

run npm test or yarn test to get the tests running

Analysis report

Analysis Report shows screenshot

 85.14% Statements 63/7478.57% Branches 33/4288.89% Functions 24/2784.29% Lines 59/70

Analysis Report can be generated by running npm test -- --coverage



run npm build or yarn build to generate build folder. You can now serve the build folder on any static server. for more information visit



👤 Author


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.


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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.