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Lukas Mueller edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 8 revisions


The Docker setup is described on the Breedbase Docker Github page,

Setting up multiple docker systems on one host

When multiple dockers are installed on one system, usually access to more than one GitHub repo using keys needs to be provided. To connect to different repos on GitHub, the following needs to be in place for each repo:

  1. generate a public/private keypair:

name the key according to the repo that you are connecting to, for example, id_rsa_sgn.

  1. Add the key info to the config file, approximately like this:
   Host id_rsa_sgn
       User git
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_sgn
       IdentitiesOnly yes
  1. Add the ssh-key command to the .bashrc:
   ssh-add /home/production/.ssh/id_rsa_sgn
  1. Add the key to the github repo in question Go to the website of your github repo, choose settings -> Deploy keys -> add. Add the contents of the file ending in .pub .

  2. Clone the repo:

### IMPORTANTLY, the host is now the name you used on the Host line, so to clone this repo, use the following command line:

git clone id_rsa_sgn:solgenomics/sgn

(if the repo is in the solgenomics/sgn dir)

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