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Udacity Data Engineer Nano Degree - Project-5 (Data Pipelines)

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(Udacity: Data Engineering Nano Degree) | [email protected] | 2019-07-19

PROJECT-5: Data Pipelines

Quick start

After installing python3 + Apache Airflow libraries and dependencies the following prerequisite tasks need to do before executing the DAG:

  • copy code under Apache Airflow DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) folder (airflow/dags)
  • set-up AWS Redshift cluster
  • configure with AWS Redshift parameters
  • configure AWS S3 and redshift parameters to Apache Airflow Connections
  • configure DAG_CONFIG Airflow variable (using dag_config_template.json as a basis)
  • run script to create tables to AWS Redshift

When ready, activate from Airflow UI:

  • etl_dag DAG (to process all the input JSON data into AWS Redshift.)

That's it.


This Project-5 handles data of a music streaming startup, Sparkify. Data set is a set of files in JSON format stored in AWS S3 buckets and contains two parts:

  • s3://udacity-dend/song_data: static data about artists and songs Song-data example: {"num_songs": 1, "artist_id": "ARJIE2Y1187B994AB7", "artist_latitude": null, "artist_longitude": null, "artist_location": "", "artist_name": "Line Renaud", "song_id": "SOUPIRU12A6D4FA1E1", "title": "Der Kleine Dompfaff", "duration": 152.92036, "year": 0}

  • s3://udacity-dend/log_data: event data of service usage e.g. who listened what song, when, where, and with which client Log-data example (log-data/2018/11/2018-11-12-events.json)

Below, some figures about the data set (results after running the etl_dag):

  • s3://udacity-dend/song_data: 14897 files
  • s3://udacity-dend/log_data: 31 files
  • staging_events table: 8056 records
  • staging_songs table: 14896 records
  • songplays table: 440 records
  • songs table: 14896 records
  • artists table: 10025 records
  • users table: 104 records
  • time table: 6813 records

Project builds an ETL pipeline (Extract, Transform, Load) to Extract data from JSON files stored in AWS S3 into AWS Redshift staging tables, process the data into AWS Redshift fact and dimension tables. As technologies, Project-5 uses python, AWS S3, AWS Redshift, and Apache Airflow.

About Database

Sparkify analytics database (called here sparkifydb) schema has a star design. Start design means that it has one Fact Table having business data, and supporting Dimension Tables. Star DB design is maybe the most common schema used in ETL pipelines since it separates Dimension data into their own tables in a clean way and collects business critical data into the Fact table allowing flexible queries. The Fact Table answers one of the key questions: what songs users are listening to. DB schema is the following:

SparkifyDB schema as ER Diagram

SparkifyDB schema as ER Diagram.

Purpose of the database and ETL pipeline

Purpose of this ETL pipeline is to automate data processing and analysis steps.

Raw JSON data structures

  • log_data: log_data contains data about what users have done (columns: event_id, artist, auth, firstName, gender, itemInSession, lastName, length, level, location, method, page, registration, sessionId, song, status, ts, userAgent, userId)
  • song_data: song_data contains data about songs and artists (columns: num_songs, artist_id, artist_latitude, artist_longitude, artist_location, artist_name, song_id, title, duration, year)

Fact Table

  • songplays: song play data together with user, artist, and song info (songplay_id, start_time, user_id, level, song_id, artist_id, session_id, location, user_agent)

Dimension Tables

  • users: user info (columns: user_id, first_name, last_name, gender, level)
  • songs: song info (columns: song_id, title, artist_id, year, duration)
  • artists: artist info (columns: artist_id, name, location, latitude, longitude)
  • time: detailed time info about song plays (columns: start_time, hour, day, week, month, year, weekday)

About ETL pipeline design

Project-5 contains the following configuration files:

  • dags/dag_setup_conf_template.cfg: this file contains a template for AWS Redshift config parameters for script.

    NOTE: rename this from dag_setup_conf_template.cfg => dag_setup_conf.cfg and add your parameters.

  • dags/dag_config_template.json: this file contains a template for DAG configurations.

    NOTE: define template parameters and store as a Airflow JSON Variable (Airflow-UI => Admin => Variables) with a name DAG_CONFIG

Project-5's preparation script consist of the following files:

  • SQL statements used by in creating DB.
  • a Python script that creates Redshift DB using example of SQL statements used as a basis for DG creation.
  • create_tables.sql: example of SQL statements used as a basis in creating creation.

Project-5's Airflow DAG consist of the following files:

  • dags/ main DAG defining pipeline tasks and their execution relationships.
  • dags/ a separate DAG for executing only data quality checks using DataQualityOperator. NOTE: this DAG expects that the main DAG has been executed at least once to get data to Redshift tables.
  • plugins/helpers/ a SqlQueries class with SQL queries as variables used by Operators. More queries can be added in this file and taken into use by Operators.
  • plugins/operators/ StageToRedshiftOperator handling source data copying from S3 to Redshift staging tables. JSON as CSV file formats are supported as sources through "file_format" parameter. Configure file format in DAG_CONFIG and use it in main DAG's task using this Operator.

NOTE: user_partitioned_data parameter (True or False) can be used to define whether to process source data based on execution date. If no valid S3 path can be found for based on execution date, Operator FAILs.

  • plugins/operators/ LoadFactOperator handling data transformation from staging tables to target table.
  • plugins/operators/ LoadDimensionOperator handling data transformation from staging tables to target tables.
  • plugins/operators/ DataQualityOperator handling data quality checks for fact and dimension tables. It checks mandatory fields in given tables and number of rows in each given table.


Project has one DAG:

  • etl_dag: This DAG uses data in s3:/udacity-dend/song_data and s3:/udacity-dend/log_data, processes it, and inserts the processed data into AWS Redshift DB.


Run ETL pipeline

  • See pre-requisite tasks from "Quick Start" section above

Airflow DAG executes the following steps:

  • Copy source data from S3 to staging tables
  • Transform data from staging tables to fact table and dimension tables
  • Run data quality checks to ensure that all data in fact table and dimension tables is correct and clean.

Output: input JSON data is processed and analysed data is written into Fact and Dimensions tables in AWS Redshift.


Project-5 provides customer startup Sparkify tools to automatically analyse their service data in a flexible way and help them answer their key business questions like "Who listened which song and when?"


Udacity Data Engineer Nano Degree - Project-5 (Data Pipelines)






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  • Python 100.0%