export interface ClientOptions {
partnerId?: string;
accessToken?: string;
version?: number;
prefix?: string;
url?: string | URL;
fetch?: typeof fetch
export interface Client {
addPartner(partner: PartnerData): Promise<Partner>;
addCategory(category: CategoryData): Promise<Category>;
addProduct(product: ProductData): Promise<Product>;
addReport(report: ReportData): Promise<Report>;
addReportMetrics(data: ReportMetricsData): Promise<ReportMetrics>;
getProduct(productId: string): Promise<Product | undefined>;
getReport(reportId: string): Promise<Report | undefined>;
listPartners(): Promise<Partner[]>;
listOrganisations(): Promise<Organisation[]>;
listSystemLogs(): Promise<SystemLog[]>;
listProducts(): Promise<Product[]>;
listReports(): Promise<Report[]>;
listCategories(): Promise<Category[]>;
listDailyMetrics(): Promise<CountryProductMetrics[]>;
listMonthlyMetrics(): Promise<CountryProductMetrics[]>;
listMetrics(): Promise<CountryProductMetrics[]>;
listReportMetrics(): Promise<ReportMetrics[]>;
listProductMetrics(productId: string): Promise<CountryProductMetrics[]>;
listCalculationKeys(): Promise<string[]>;
listCalculations(): Promise<CalculationSource[]>;
background(query: Record<string, string> | URLSearchParams): Promise<void>;
export type KarmaAuthenticationRole =
| "moderator"
| "admin"
| "owner"
| "patient"
| "industry"
| "member"
| "pharmacy"
| "clinic"
| "booster"
| "developer"
| "coordinator"
| "partner";
declare global {
interface AuthenticationRoles extends Record<KarmaAuthenticationRole, KarmaAuthenticationRole> {
// Used by client
type AuthenticationRole =
| KarmaAuthenticationRole
| keyof AuthenticationRoles;
export interface CalculationSource {
calculationKey: string;
title: string;
description: string;
anonymous: boolean;
export interface CategoryData extends Record<string, unknown> {
categoryName: string;
defaultUnit?: string;
defaultSizes?: ProductSizeData[];
countryCode?: string;
order?: number;
associatedTerms?: string[];
export interface Category extends CategoryData {
categoryId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
export interface Expiring {
expiresAt?: string;
export type BaseFileStoreType = "product" | "inventory" | "productFile" | "inventoryFile"
export type BaseFileRemoteSourceName = "discord" | BaseFileStoreType;
export type RemoteFileSourceName = BaseFileRemoteSourceName | `${BaseFileRemoteSourceName}_${number}`;
export type FileUploadedSynced = "r2" | "disk";
export type FileType = BaseFileStoreType | `${RemoteFileSourceName}_import`;
export interface ResolvedFilePart extends Record<string, unknown> {
export interface FileImageSize extends Expiring {
width: number;
height: number;
signed?: boolean;
fileName?: string;
checksum?: Record<string, string>
export interface FileSize extends FileImageSize {
url: string;
synced: FileUploadedSynced;
syncedAt: string;
version: number;
watermark?: boolean;
copyright?: string;
license?: string;
fileName?: string;
signed?: boolean;
export interface FileErrorDescription {
stack?: string;
message: string;
createdAt: string;
repeated?: number;
export interface FileData extends Record<string, unknown>, Partial<FileImageSize> {
fileName: string;
contentType: string;
size?: number;
path?: string;
url?: string;
pinned?: boolean;
uploadedAt?: string;
uploadedByUsername?: string;
source?: RemoteFileSourceName;
sourceId?: string;
synced?: FileUploadedSynced;
syncedAt?: string;
version?: number;
type?: FileType | string;
sizes?: FileSize[];
/** @deprecated use remoteUrl */
externalUrl?: string;
remoteUrl?: string;
reactionCounts?: Record<string, number>;
reactionCountsUpdatedAt?: string;
resolved?: ResolvedFilePart[];
resolvedAt?: string;
errors?: FileErrorDescription[];
export interface File extends FileData {
fileId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
uploadedAt: string;
export interface ResolvedFile extends File {
url: string;
synced: FileUploadedSynced;
import {
} from "../report";
export interface ActiveIngredientMetrics extends Record<string, unknown> {
type: string;
unit: string;
value: string;
// If the calculation of cost takes into account the
// proportion of this vs total active ingredients
proportional?: boolean;
mean?: boolean;
size?: ProductSizeData;
prefix?: string;
calculation?: "minimum" | "maximum" | "mean" | string;
export interface ProductMetricData extends Record<string, unknown> {
productId: string;
activeIngredients: ActiveIngredientMetrics[];
export interface MetricsData
extends ReportDateData,
CalculationConsent {
products: ProductMetricData[];
countryCode: string;
currencySymbol?: string; // "$"
timezone?: string; // Pacific/Auckland
anonymous?: boolean;
export interface ReportMetricsData extends MetricsData {
parentReportId?: string;
type?: string;
export interface ReportMetrics
extends ReportMetricsData,
Record<string, unknown> {
type?: string;
metricsId: string;
reportId: string;
reportedAt: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
// consent required to be stored
calculationConsent: CalculationConsentItem[];
export type CountryProductMetricDuration = "day" | "month";
export interface CountryProductMetrics extends MetricsData {
metricsId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
currencySymbol: string; // "$"
timezone: string;
duration: CountryProductMetricDuration;
reportingDateKey: keyof ReportDateData;
export {
} from "@opennetwork/logistics";
export interface OrganisationBaseData extends Record<string, unknown> {
countryCode?: string; // "NZ"
location?: string;
remote?: boolean;
onsite?: boolean;
pharmacy?: boolean;
delivery?: boolean;
clinic?: boolean;
website?: string;
associatedBrandingTerms?: string[]; // Eg common names used to refer to the organisation by way of brand
export interface OrganisationData extends OrganisationBaseData {
organisationName: string;
partnerId?: string;
approved?: boolean;
approvedAt?: string;
export interface Organisation extends OrganisationData {
organisationId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
approvedByUserId?: string;
export interface PartnerData extends Record<string, unknown> {
partnerName: string;
countryCode?: string;
export interface AddPartnerData extends PartnerData, OrganisationBaseData {}
export interface Partner extends PartnerData {
partnerId: string;
organisationId: string;
accessToken?: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
approved?: boolean;
approvedAt?: string;
approvedByUserId?: string;
export interface ProductTemperature {
value: string;
unit?: string;
export interface ProductIngredient {
name: string;
active?: boolean;
boil?: ProductTemperature;
export interface ProductSizeData extends Record<string, unknown> {
value: string;
unit: string;
export interface ProductInfo {
title?: string;
text: string;
url?: string;
description?: string;
export interface ProductFile extends Partial<FileData> {
fileId: string;
export interface ProductData extends Record<string, unknown> {
productName: string;
order?: number;
countryCode?: string;
organisationId?: string;
licencedOrganisationId?: string;
// Flag for products we don't have the exact licence date for
licenceApprovedBeforeGivenDate?: boolean;
licenceApprovedAt?: string;
licenceExpiredAt?: string;
licenceApprovalWebsite?: string;
// ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
licenceCountryCode?: string;
// Flag for products we don't have the exact availability date for
availableBeforeGivenDate?: boolean;
availableAt?: string;
// For products that we will no longer have available
availableUntil?: string;
sizes?: ProductSizeData[];
// Direct text about the active ingredients, not specific values
activeIngredientDescriptions?: string[];
categoryId?: string;
generic?: boolean;
public?: boolean;
branded?: boolean;
genericSearchTerm?: string;
genericCategoryNames?: string[];
genericAcronym?: string;
info?: ProductInfo[];
files?: ProductFile[];
obsoleteAt?: string;
ingredients?: ProductIngredient[];
export interface ProductActiveIngredient {
type: string;
unit: string;
value: string;
prefix?: string;
calculated?: boolean;
calculatedUnit?: string;
size?: ProductSizeData;
proportional?: boolean;
export interface Product extends ProductData {
productId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
activeIngredients?: ProductActiveIngredient[];
export interface ReportDateData {
orderedAt?: string;
shippedAt?: string;
receivedAt?: string;
updatedAt?: string;
createdAt?: string;
reportedAt?: string;
export interface CalculationConsentItem extends Record<string, unknown> {
calculationKey: string;
consented?: boolean;
consentedAt?: string;
export interface CalculationConsent {
calculationConsent?: CalculationConsentItem[];
export interface ReportRoleData {
roles: AuthenticationRole[];
export type ReportType = "purchase" | "product" | "poll";
export interface DeprecatedReportData {
// TODO No longer used fields, but keeping around until v1.0.0
productPurchase?: boolean;
productPurchaseTotalCost?: string | number; // "908.50", capture the user input raw
productPurchaseItems?: string | number; // "2", capture the user input raw
productPurchaseItemCost?: string | number; // "450", capture the user input raw
productPurchaseDeliveryCost?: string | number; // "8.50", capture the user input raw
productPurchaseFeeCost?: string | number; // "3.50", capture the user input raw
productPurchaseOrganisationId?: string;
productPurchaseOrganisationName?: string; // Actual organisationName, not free text
productPurchaseOrganisationText?: string; // User free text of the organisationName
type StringNumber = `${number}` | number | string;
export interface ProductReviewReportData {
comment?: string;
rating?: string | `${number}` | number;
vibes?: string;
export interface ProductReportData extends DeprecatedReportData, ProductReviewReportData {
productId?: string;
productName?: string; // Actual productName, not free text
productText?: string; // User free text of the product
productSize?: ProductSizeData;
productTotalCost: StringNumber; // "908.50", capture the user input raw
productItems: StringNumber; // "2", capture the user input raw
productItemCost: StringNumber; // "450", capture the user input raw
productDeliveryCost?: StringNumber; // "8.50", capture the user input raw
productFeeCost?: StringNumber; // "3.50", capture the user input raw
productOrganisationId?: string;
productOrganisationName?: string; // Actual organisationName, not free text
productOrganisationText?: string; // User free text of the organisationName
export interface PollReportOptionData extends Partial<ActiveIngredientMetrics> {
title: string;
votes: `${number}` | string;
export interface PollReportData {
title: string;
url?: string;
options: PollReportOptionData[];
export type PartialReportData = Partial<PollReportData> & Partial<ProductReportData>
export interface ReportData
extends ReportDateData,
Record<string, unknown> {
type: ReportType | string;
countryCode: string; // "NZ"
currencySymbol?: string; // "$"
timezone?: string; // Pacific/Auckland
note?: string;
parentReportId?: string;
createdByUserId?: string;
createdByPartnerId?: string;
anonymous?: boolean;
export interface Report extends ReportData, ReportRoleData {
reportId: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
reportedAt: string;
reports?: Report[];
export interface SystemLogData extends Record<string, unknown> {
uniqueCode?: string;
value?: number;
partnerId: string;
message: string;
timestamp?: string;
action?: string;
export interface SystemLog extends SystemLogData {
systemLogId: string;
timestamp: string;
You will need to install the dependencies with yarn
Once you have yarn installed, use the command:
First you will need to set up a .env
file in the same directory as this README.md file
Copy the .env.example
to make your .env
To setup reddit authentication, you will need to either be provided a client ID if you're working with the socialbaking team, or you will need to create a new application at the bottom of this screen
The local redirect url is http://localhost:3000/api/authentication/reddit/callback
Once created, copy the value under "web app" and set that as your REDDIT_CLIENT_ID
Copy the "secret" and set that as REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET
Set the reddit community name, and associated flair, as you see fit:
REDDIT_FLAIR="Medical Patient"