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OCRUG - Modeling Normally Distributed Data with Repeated Measures

Sharpen your Data Science skills with this is a hands-on workshop on regression techniques in R.

About this Event

This workshop will give you the practical skills and foundational knowledge to effectively use some powerful regression models used by data scientists. When data are collected on the same subjects repeatedly over time (for example, in clinical trials or cohort studies) or under different conditions (for example, in a designed experiment), the measurements within the same individual are modeled as having correlated values. At the workshop, we will consider several models that can be employed to model a normally distributed response variable. The models that we will consider are: random slope and intercept (mixed-effects) model and generalized estimating equations models with unstructured, autoregressive, compound symmetric (exchangeable), and independent working correlation matrices. All models will be run in R version 4.0.3.

The course will be structured as follows. For each part, we will first discuss the theory, then work through an example. After that, the participants will work in small groups in break-out rooms to do hands-on exercises to help reinforce the material. All the files and Rstudio will be made available to the participants.

We would like to use the RStudio Cloud. If you are not familiar with this technology, the participants use a web browser to access RStudio. The environment will be setup and loaded with the code and data that is needed. This way, participants can focus on building models.

The material covered by the workshop will be taken from my recently published book “Advanced Regression Models with SAS and R Applications”, CRC Press, 2018.

Biography of Dr. Olga Korosteleva

Dr. Olga Korosteleva, is a professor of Statistics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). She received her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics in 1996 from Wayne State University in Detroit, and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, in 2002. Since then she has been teaching mostly Statistics courses in the Master’s program in Applied Statistics at CSULB, and loving it!

Dr. Olga is an undergraduate advisor for students majoring in Mathematics with an option in Statistics. She is also the faculty supervisor for the Statistics Student Association. She is also the immediate past-president of the Southern California Chapter of the American Statistical Association (SCASA). Dr. Olga is the editor-in-chief of SCASA’s monthly eNewsletter and the author (co-author) of four statistical books.

Event Details

When: February 9, 2021

  • Tuesday: 6:30 PM - 09:45 PM


This event will be held on Zoom. You will need a Zoom account in order to join. Before the event, the Zoom link will be emailed to you.



Zoom Information

You will need Zoom installed on your computer and an account. The zoom connection information is:

Set-up Instructions

You have two options for working with the code examples and exercises for the workshop:

On your own computer

  1. Download and install R and RStudio (if you haven't already)
  2. Download the examples and exercises code from the workshop GitHub repository:
    1. If you don't know how to use Git, download the course files by clicking the green "Code" button and select "Download ZIP".
    2. If you do know how to use Git, clone the repo to your computer
  3. Unzip the files (or go to the directory where you cloned the repository), and double click the file called project.Rproj. This will start RStudio and you can see the examples and exercises code in the two folder called examples and exercises.
  4. Install the following packages
    • reshape2
    • rcompanion
    • nlme
    • geepack
    • MuMIn

Using RStudio Cloud

  1. Create a free account on RStudio Cloud:
  2. Go to the workshop project:
  3. At the top of the project window, Click "Save a Permanent Copy" — it's by the flashing red "Temporary Project" sign.
  4. The project and all its files will now be in your own Personal workspace. You have 15 free hours per month using RStudio Cloud.

GitHub Repo

OCRUG GitHub Repo:

You do not need to download the github repo. All files that you need will be provided on the RStudio Cloud instance.

Event Repo:

Slack Channel

A slack channel has been set up for the event. This will be used for general announcements but it is also a great source for you to ask questions to other participants.

If you have not created an account on our slack group, create one using the following link:

Slack Group Sign-up:

Once you have an account, sign in (you can do it on a web browser or download an app on your phone or desktop).

Slack channel:

The channel for the course is regression-2021


Please follow us on twitter, oc_rug, and also tweet about the event with the hash tag #OCRUG


Start End Activity
06:30 06:40 Introduction
06:40 07:30 Mixed-effects Model for Normal Response
07:30 07:50 Mixed-effects Model Exercise
07:50 08:00 Mixed-effects Model Solution
08:00 08:10 Break
08:10 08:30 Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) Model for Normal Response
08:30 08:50 GEE Exercise
08:50 09:00 GEE Solution
09:00 09:30 Additional Exercise and Solution
09:30 09:45 Wrap up


This event is being brought to you by the Orange Country R Users Group OCRUG


This event is sponsored by the University of California, Paul Merage School of Business.


Modeling Normally Distributed Data with Repeated Measures






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Contributors 3
