Learn TypeScript by creating a Game.
Name of the game is Quick Math App. This takes the player's name as input. On click of a button, it generates 2 random numbers. On starting the game, the app displays 4 math problems, based on the random numbers. The game finishes by calculating the total number of correct answers and displays it on the scoreboard.
- Installing Dependencies
- Install Visual Studio Code, Node, npm, TypeScript & other dependencies
- Configuration File: tsconfig.json
- Running first TypeScript Code
- Configuration Inheritence
- Configuring Webpack
- Built-in Data Types
- Data Types in Typescript
- JavaScript Hoisting
- var vs. let vs. const
- Type Annotation
- Type Inference
- Union Types
- Control flow based analysis
- strictNullChecks & using Null & Undefined types
- Type Assertion
- Any Type
- Type Annotation with Functions
- Parameters and return type annotations
- --noImplicitAny compiler option
- Default & Optional Parameters
- Arrow Functions/ lambda functions
- Defining Function as a type
- Custom Types in TypeScript
- Interface vs Class
- Structural Type System
- Getter & Setter methods (accessor methods)
- Hard private vs Soft Private fields
- Static Fields
- Constructors
- Triple Slash Directives
- Consuming Modules
- Supporting technologies to implement modules
- Exporting & Importing Modules
- Module Resolution Strategies
- Trace Resolution
- Module Bundler for TypeScript - Webpack
- Type Declaration Files & DefinitelyTyped Repo