[1] For OHD data analysis with the LamdaCDM mdoel watch my tutorial here: https://youtu.be/0GDzoKncNO4
[2] For the analysis of Supernova Pantheon+ data sets, watch my tutorial here: https://youtu.be/u88Goguzm9M
[3] For BAO analysis see the video for complete understanding: https://youtu.be/iRYb6wQVaO8
If you are using any of the code: Kindly footnote the github link and cite the papers:
[a] @article{Hussain:2024jdt, author = "Hussain, Saddam", title = "{Non-adiabatic particle production scenario in algebraically coupled quintessence field with dark matter fluid}", eprint = "2403.10215", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "gr-qc", month = "3", year = "2024" }
[b] @article{Hussain:2024qrd,
author = "Hussain, Saddam and Nelleri, Sarath and Bhattacharya, Kaushik",
title = "{Comparative Analysis of
To know my work, check out my profile: https://inspirehep.net/authors/1852409