A graphical PowerShell Script and executable to combine CSV files.
--Important Notes:
This utility will accept multiple csv files and combine them into one csv
The first file's headings will be kept, all others will be skipped
The output file will be written to the same path chosen as the input directory
How to use:
- run the .exe or .ps1 and choose the path where your files exist
- notice the new output file in the same directory as the source file
- the combiner does not delete or modify the source csv files
- the content from each source file will be appended to the end of the previous file within a new file
- the combiner uses the column headings of the first(alphabetical) csv file processed in the directory you pick, so either make sure each file has the same column headings OR place a dash or underscore at the beginning of the filename you'd like to use as the heading authority. --Because of this behaviour, the file can also be used as a tool to apply headings to multiple heading-less .csv files.