This project is built using earlier white paper on bitcoin. Its backend has the same functionality just like the earlier version of bitcoin.
A user can use the following endpoints for:
GET http://localhost:3001/public-key
GET http://localhost:3001/mine-transactions
GET http://localhost:3002/public-key
GET http://localhost:3001/blocks
GET http://localhost:3001/transactions
POST http://localhost:3001/transact content-type: application/json
{ "receiver":"fyy-4ddrr55", "amount":50 }
POST http://localhost:3002/transact content-type: application/json
{ "receiver":"fxx-4ddrr55", "amount":60 }
GET http://localhost:3002/blocks
GET http://localhost:3001/transactions
POST http://localhost:3001/mine content-type: application/json
{ "data":"send message 3 to test replacement" }