A vim plugin for grepdef: search for symbol definitions in various programming languages
This adds the command :GrepDef <symbol> [path]
This also adds the mapping <Leader>d
to run grepdef on the symbol under the cursor.
The filetype will automatically be detected.
The results will appear in vim's quickfix buffer. To close the buffer, run :cclose
. To open it again, run :copen
You must have grepdef installed.
If using Pathogen:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/sirbrillig/vim-grepdef.git
If using Vim-Plug, add the following to your vimrc inside the plugin block:
Plug 'sirbrillig/vim-grepdef'
If needed, you can set the path to grepdef
executable by setting the g:grepdef_path
Yes, add the following to your vimrc (this will affect all quickfix buffers, not just grepdef):
" Auto close quickfix buffer after selecting an entry
autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <CR>:cclose<CR>
If you'd like to only close the quickfix buffer if there's a single entry, then use this instead:
" Auto close quickfix buffer after selecting an entry if there is only one entry
function! CloseQuickFixIfOneEntry()
if len(getqflist()) < 2 | cclose | endif
autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <CR>:call CloseQuickFixIfOneEntry()<CR>