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tools added deploy scripts 👌
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silverqx committed Aug 12, 2024
1 parent e285ed5 commit 6430000
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Showing 3 changed files with 379 additions and 0 deletions.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tools/qsdb-deploy-cmake.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the parent CMake build trees path.')]
[string] $CMakeBuildTreesPath = 'E:\c\qMedia\TinyORM\TinyORM-builds-cmake',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the Qt version for which to deploy executables.')]
ErrorMessage = 'The argument "{0}" is not the correct Qt version number. ' +
'The argument "{0}" does not match the "{1}" pattern.')]
[string] $QtVersion = '6.7.2',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the CMake build type for which to deploy executables.')]
[ValidateSet('Release', 'RelWithDebInfo', 'MinSizeRel')]
[string] $BuildType = 'RelWithDebInfo',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the destination deploy path.')]
[string] $DestinationPath = 'E:\dotfiles\bin',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the major version number for TinyORM libraries.')]
[uint] $MajorVersion = 0

Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0

qsdb-deploy.ps1 `
-BuildTreesPath $CMakeBuildTreesPath `
-QtVersion $QtVersion `
-BuildType $BuildType `
-DestinationPath $DestinationPath `
-MajorVersion $MajorVersion `
-BuildSystem CMake
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tools/qsdb-deploy-qmake.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the parent qmake build trees path.')]
[string] $QMakeBuildTreesPath = 'E:\c\qMedia\TinyORM\TinyORM-builds-qmake',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the Qt version for which to deploy executables.')]
ErrorMessage = 'The argument "{0}" is not the correct Qt version number. ' +
'The argument "{0}" does not match the "{1}" pattern.')]
[string] $QtVersion = '6.7.2',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the qmake build type for which to deploy executables.')]
[ValidateSet('Profile', 'Release')]
[string] $BuildType = 'Release',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the destination deploy path.')]
[string] $DestinationPath = 'E:\dotfiles\bin',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the major version number for TinyORM libraries.')]
[uint] $MajorVersion = 0

Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0

qsdb-deploy.ps1 `
-BuildTreesPath $QMakeBuildTreesPath `
-QtVersion $QtVersion `
-BuildType $BuildType `
-DestinationPath $DestinationPath `
-MajorVersion $MajorVersion `
-BuildSystem qmake
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions tools/qsdb-deploy.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the parent CMake/qmake build trees path.')]
[string] $BuildTreesPath,

HelpMessage = 'Specifies the Qt version for which to deploy executables.')]
ErrorMessage = 'The argument "{0}" is not the correct Qt version number. ' +
'The argument "{0}" does not match the "{1}" pattern.')]
[string] $QtVersion,

HelpMessage = 'Specifies the CMake/qmake build types for which to deploy executables.')]
[ValidateSet('Release', 'RelWithDebInfo', 'MinSizeRel', 'Profile')]
[string] $BuildType = 'Release',

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the build tree from which to deploy executables.')]
[string] $BuildFolderTemplate = 'build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_{0}_MSVC2022_64bit-{1}',

[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the destination deploy path.')]
[string] $DestinationPath,

HelpMessage = 'Specifies the major version number for TinyORM libraries.')]
[uint] $MajorVersion,

HelpMessage = 'Specifies the build system that was used to build the TinyORM project.')]
[ValidateSet('CMake', 'qmake')]
[string] $BuildSystem

Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0

# Includes
# ---
. $PSScriptRoot\private\Common-Host.ps1

# Script variables section
# ---

# Determine an executable artifact type
enum ArtifactType {

# Computed build tree path
$Script:BuildTreePath = $null
# Deploy hash of executables to deploy
$Script:DeployHash = $null
# Deploy array of executables' filepaths to deploy (allows to copy all artifacts at once)
$Script:DeployArray = @()
# PDB filepaths to remove at deploy destination if they didn't exist in the build tree
$Script:PdbToRemoveArray = @()

# Functions section
# ---

# Initialize build tree path from which to deploy executables
function Initialize-BuildTreePath {

$buildFolder = $BuildFolderTemplate -f $QtVersion.Replace('.', '_'), $BuildType

$Script:BuildTreePath = Join-Path -Path $BuildTreesPath -ChildPath $buildFolder

# Initialize deploy hash of executables to deploy
function Initialize-DeployHash {

$Script:DeployHash = [ordered] @{
TinyDrivers = @{
type = [ArtifactType]::SharedLibrary
path = "${Script:BuildTreePath}\drivers\common\"
skipIfNotExists = $true
appendVersion = $true
TinyMySql = @{
type = [ArtifactType]::SharedLibrary
path = "${Script:BuildTreePath}\drivers\mysql\"
skipIfNotExists = $true
appendVersion = $true
TinyOrm = @{
type = [ArtifactType]::SharedLibrary
# This is a special case as this path is different for CMake/qmake
path = $BuildSystem -ceq 'qmake' ? "${Script:BuildTreePath}\src\"
: "${Script:BuildTreePath}\"
skipIfNotExists = $false
appendVersion = $true
tom_testdata = @{
type = [ArtifactType]::Executable
path = "${Script:BuildTreePath}\tests\testdata_tom\"
skipIfNotExists = $false
appendVersion = $false
tom = @{
type = [ArtifactType]::Executable
path = "${Script:BuildTreePath}\examples\tom\"
skipIfNotExists = $false
appendVersion = $false

# Compute an executable artifact's path based on the build system (different for CMake/qmake)
function Get-ArtifactPath {
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies artifact's deploy path.")]

# Nothing to do, for CMake are paths correct by default and the debug_and_release qmake's
# CONFIG option isn't defined on Unix by default, so no need to append the release/ sub-path
if ($BuildSystem -ceq 'CMake' -or $PSVersionTable.Platform -ceq 'Unix') {
return $DeployPath

# The debug_and_release qmake's CONFIG option is defined by default on Windows, so append
# the release/ sub-path
return Join-Path -Path $DeployPath -ChildPath 'release'

# Get an executable artifact's file extension
function Get-ArtifactExtension {
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies artifact's type.")]

switch ($Type) {
([ArtifactType]::Executable) { return 'exe' }
([ArtifactType]::SharedLibrary) { return 'dll' }
Default {
throw 'Unexpected value for enum {0}.' -f [ArtifactType].Name

# Compute an executable artifact's filename based on the given arguments
function Get-ArtifactFilename {
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies artifact's basename.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies artifact's type.")]

$artifactBasename = $deployValue.appendVersion ? $Basename + 0 : $Basename
$artifactExtension = Get-ArtifactExtension -Type $Type

return '{0}.{1}' -f $artifactBasename, $artifactExtension

# Determine whether to skip the executable artifact if doesn't exists
function Test-ShouldSkipArtifact {
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the parent CMake/qmake build trees path.')]
[string] $ArtifactFilePath,

[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specifies the parent CMake/qmake build trees path.')]
[bool] $SkipIfNotExists

# Skip the executable artifact if doesn't exists
if ($SkipIfNotExists -and -not (Test-Path -Path $artifactFilePath)) {
return $true

# Don't check all artifacts if exists as I want to exit if it doesn't exists
if (-not $SkipIfNotExists -and -not (Test-Path -Path $artifactFilePath)) {
Write-ExitError "Executable artifact doesn't exist: $artifactFilePath" -NoNewlineBefore

return $false

# Append the PDB file to remove at the deploy destination if the PDB file isn't in the build tree
function Add-PdbToRemove {
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies the PDB filename.")]

# Compute artifact's PDB filepath at deploy destination
$pdbDeployFilePath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath $pdbFilename

# Nothing to do
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $pdbDeployFilePath)) {

$Script:PdbToRemoveArray += $pdbDeployFilePath

# Append the PDB file to deploy array or to the PDB files to remove array based on if it exists
function Sync-PdbFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies the PDB filename in the build tree.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Specifies the PDB filename.")]

# Deploy the PDB file only if it exists
if (Test-Path -Path $pdbFilePath) {
$Script:DeployArray += $pdbFilePath
# Append the PDB file to remove at the deploy destination if the PDB file isn't
# in the build tree
else {
Add-PdbToRemove -PdbFilename $pdbFilename

# Pre-compute executable artifacts' filepaths (allows to copy all artifacts at once)
function Initialize-DeployArray {

foreach ($deployRow in $Script:DeployHash.GetEnumerator()) {
$deployName = $deployRow.Name
$deployValue = $deployRow.Value

# Compute artifact's absolute filepath
$artifactFilename = Get-ArtifactFilename -Basename $deployName -Type $deployValue.type
$artifactPath = Get-ArtifactPath -DeployPath $deployValue.path
$artifactFilePath = Join-Path -Path $artifactPath -ChildPath $artifactFilename

# Skip the executable artifact if it doesn't exist or exit the script if
# the skipIfNotExists flag is set to $false and an artifact doesn't exist 🤔
if (Test-ShouldSkipArtifact `
-ArtifactFilePath $artifactFilePath `
-SkipIfNotExists $deployValue.skipIfNotExists
) {

# Compute artifact's PDB filepath
$pdbFilename = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($artifactFilename, '.pdb')
$pdbFilePath = Join-Path -Path $deployValue.path -ChildPath $pdbFilename

# Append results to the deploy array
$Script:DeployArray += $artifactFilePath

# Append the PDB file to deploy array or to the PDB files to remove array
# based whether it exists
Sync-PdbFile -PdbFilepath $pdbFilePath -PdbFilename $pdbFilename

# Main section
# ---

# Initialize build tree path from which to deploy executables
# Initialize deploy hash of executables to deploy
# Pre-compute executable artifacts' filepaths (allows to copy all artifacts at once)

# Copy all at once
Copy-Item -Path $Script:DeployArray -Destination $Script:DestinationPath
# Remove all PDB files at once
if ($Script:PdbToRemoveArray.Count -ne 0) {
Remove-Item -Path $Script:PdbToRemoveArray -Force

Write-Info ('TinyORM was deployed successfully. 🥳 ({0})' -f $BuildSystem)

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