Commercial banks receive a lot of applications for credit cards. Many of them get rejected for many reasons, like high loan balances, low income levels, or too many inquiries on an individual's credit report, for example. Manually analyzing these applications is mundane, error-prone, and time-consuming. Luckily, this task can be automated with the power of machine learning. Here is an automatic credit card approval predictor using machine learning techniques.
- Credit card applications
- Inspecting the applications
- Handling the missing values (part i)
- Handling the missing values (part ii)
- Handling the missing values (part iii)
- Preprocessing the data (part i)
- Splitting the dataset into train and test sets
- Preprocessing the data (part ii)
- Fitting a logistic regression model to the train set
- Making predictions and evaluating performance
- Grid searching and making the model perform better
- Finding the best performing model
- Shell
- Python 3
- Pandas
- NumPy
- sklearn
this poject was originally published by Sayak Paul on datacamp