Dotfiles are the customization files that are used to personalize your Linux or other Unix-based system. You can tell that a file is a dotfile because the name of the file will begin with a period–a dot! The period at the beginning of a filename or directory name indicates that it is a hidden file or directory. This repository contains my personal dotfiles. They are stored here for convenience so that I may quickly access them on new machines or new installs. Also, others may find some of my configurations helpful in customizing their own dotfiles.
nvim-tree (for tree view) |
autocompletions (using LSP) |
nvim-colorizer (for css and all) |
noice.nvim (coz it's nice) |
telescope (fuzzy finder) |
Linting & Formatting |
- Derek Taylor (@dwt1) from DistroTube on Youtube for inspiring me to create this repo.
- TJ DeVries (@tjdevries) for kickstart.nvim with which I started my neovim journey.
- Chris Power (@cpow) from Typecraft on YouTube for his modularised neovim config - neovim-for-newbs - that I built my neovim config upon.
- Christian Chiarulli (@ChristianChiarulli) from chris@machine on YouTube for his extensive tutorial on neovim configuration - Neovim From Scratch - that helped me undestand a lot about neovim and revamp my neovim config with that.